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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_itv0vsb wrote

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shinobi500 t1_itv4hwz wrote

This is easily the dumbest take I've ever seen on Reddit. Congratulations, that is an impressive achievement.


ahjteam t1_itv96m3 wrote

The risk formula is:

(times had sex without protection * how many of the partners had STD)


Ok-Session445 t1_itv9ehc wrote

It might be higher by being less attractive. It’s difficult to hook up so you take what you can get, sometimes against your better judgement


ProfessionalNose6520 t1_itvdhqf wrote

if you’re more attractive. you have more sex. thus more chance for stds

i’ve never had an std. but i’ve started working out and now that i’m buff i’m having more sex. and my thought is that it’s probably easier cause you have more sex when your attractive