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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_iujhjo9 wrote

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Blaze6942 t1_iujmd5l wrote

I do that all the time, except I'm fully aware

and usually more of a direct cause


sweetlilberrypie t1_iujn0kp wrote

Omg i have this thought often!! Like, what if me running for the bus made the driver stop and wait for me, light turned red, then someone on the bus then missed their train, so walked home and got stabbed? That would technically be my fault 😩 I wouldn’t be responsible, but yes it would be because of my existence, technically. Luckily we’ll never know if that ever happened. Plus, i could have made someone’s life a lot better without knowing it too. That same scenario except they met their life partner on that walk 🤷🏽‍♀️😊


Fresh-Statement3618 t1_iujq52j wrote

The chain of cause and effect has no beginning. No one caused it.