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EccentricSoaper t1_itktd7l wrote

I too contemplated our financial situation as I was squeezing too much shampoo in my hand. Was 5 dollar bottle 5 years ago. 10.95 I paid with a "sale" sticker...


OG-Spinich t1_itmjyql wrote

I feel ya. I reduced my shower gel pumps in the loofah from 3 to 2. Still does the job, but I did like the extra suds.


Iamdogmanyeet t1_itlj69c wrote

its because of real estate agents, they are being paid $20-$120k for doing almost nothing. Its great if you want to make a lot of money for being nice and pretty! No one thinks that has any effect on the labor market or cost of things?

combine that with the fact they are financially motivated to push prices as high as they can so they can get a slightly bigger commission check so I am not surprised EVERYTHING (rent included) costs so much money now.


source: Real Estate Professional for 5 years


Washpa1 t1_itmtmt1 wrote

Have you heard of the finance industry?


Iamdogmanyeet t1_itok3jg wrote

Exactly why we don't need real estate agents doing the same thing. Greed should not have the ability to directly affect where you live or where you choose to live. At least finance people are honest theyre dishonest.


felixrocket7835 t1_itmboy4 wrote

I fail to see how this is a showerthought

I guess it's a random thought? r/RandomThoughts


NoWiseOption t1_itlbjm1 wrote

While I agree everything is expensive, the thing I noticed when I started keeping a budget was the hidden costs of subscriptions and autopay bills. Netflix, youtubeTv, hulu, cell (phone and service), apple storage, water, electric, rent, tolls, ring, amazon, etc. Nothing is huge, but they grow silently and added together crush my paycheck.


TheSchlaf t1_itlxnu4 wrote

Most of my autopay bills give a discount for keeping them on autopay. Xfinity and Visible are two I can think of right away.


urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_itmd9ru wrote

meh, if the poor cannot pay with money way don't they use their credit cards?



Showerthoughts_Mod t1_itks9gc wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


Scapergirl t1_itl0fsd wrote

Unless you have a lot of money. Then it costs very little money.


________________me t1_itmfkr7 wrote

It is impossible.

To actually buy 'everything' would include the money that buys it.


IndyAndyJones7 t1_itnja7b wrote

Everything is a lot of stuff. You should expect it to have the highest price.


piles_of_anger t1_itl8kg6 wrote

Yeah, everything costs TOO much money. Let's go Brandon!

This has been a satirical announcement.


gmtime t1_itksxyv wrote

I Bible costs only a buck or two, and gives years of reading pleasure, on top of the infinite spiritual worth.


Leningradite t1_itktgvy wrote

I dunno man, the bible is only about 1200 pages, I finished it in way less than a year.


Iamdogmanyeet t1_itlqxom wrote

Are you a Boomer? Or were you just brainwashed by one?


gmtime t1_itlylwa wrote

Neither? Jesus walked the earth in 30 AD, not 1930 AD


Education_Weird t1_itmbutt wrote

And magically came back to life because fuck it why not, of Jesus was real than we would've locked him up and used to purge our sins turning him into a sin dumpster


gmtime t1_itmvrom wrote

Perhaps you should read the gospel, it might just make sense then.


Education_Weird t1_itmvv9w wrote

What did his "dad" bring him back to life?


gmtime t1_itnb1xj wrote

If you read the gospel op John a few times, you might understand the Trinity.


Education_Weird t1_iu1wh2t wrote

How about you pick it out of your bookshelf and give me the paragraphs


domotor2 t1_itltti1 wrote

What does this have to with the post?

What can a bible do to fix someone who is facing the struggles of inflation?


gmtime t1_itm4gbj wrote

That's true, I had past time spendings in mind when reading the question, my bad.


domotor2 t1_itmbjcu wrote

Fair enough :)

I think inflation is getting to us all - it's difficult to remain content when you feel like you are being paid less every month and the world around you is becoming more expensive.

Difficult to remain optimistic in times like these - apologies of my comments seemed charged.


gmtime t1_itmwk53 wrote

I feel your struggle. My employer is having real difficulties, I might lose my job over it. I find it consoling to know that God is aware of it all, and He can empathize will us as in Jesus He too was poor, unemployed, hungry, belittled, and so much more. I hope you can find peace with Him as well, even in the midst of troubles, poverty, and loss.