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MattMason1703 t1_iuhw4ni wrote

So you still had that same distinctive hairstyle many years later?


Leotardleotard t1_iuhwsx7 wrote

Not exactly the same but very blonde and long into my mid 20’s so yeah, enough to make the assumption that I was the other kid from back then.

We lived in a fairly small town so both of us stood out quite a bit.

As an aside, I’d waited forever to get with a particular girl I liked. I asked her out, she agreed and then bad kid also asked her out so she dumped me for him haha.


MyFailingSuperpower t1_iuhy1ul wrote

Dude is like those dead old ladies who wore beehive hair into the 2000s.


Leotardleotard t1_iui73qm wrote

Haha, it was just long blonde hair in a ponytail or loose. Very late 90’s skater vibes.

I can assure you I didn’t look like Kate or Cindy from B52’s