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mdude07 t1_iui6vp2 wrote

Many years ago, I worked at a call center. I don’t like to order pizza over the phone so the job was hell for me. I would try to do everything the call center managers wanted me to do. All they cared about was numbers. Get through your list for the day and keep your calls under 5 minutes - 10 minutes max. Your customer service score also need to be above a certain mark. I learned how to verify the person and run through my script and would hope they didn’t have any questions. One day, a guy picks up. I verify him and start my script. Before I can get through the first part, he starts calling me an asshole with other obscenities. Confused, I tell him I’m sorry and tried to figure out what I had done wrong. He then explained he was upset because I didn’t ask how he was doing before going through my script. I apologized again and asked how he was. He said we were past that now and to just get on with the script. After the call he hung up a dissatisfied customer. A few days later, I had to call him again. Verified him and made sure to ask how he was doing. He told me to shut up and get on with the call. So I finished my script and asked if there was anything else I could do for him. He said I was the worst rep he has ever talked to and would curse my name till the day he died and then hung up. From that day forward, I asked everybody how they were doing. I saw an increase in my satisfaction score that I attribute to that one line. That guy probably doesn’t even remember me, but out of the thousands of people I called, I can only remember his voice.