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IGotHitByAHockeypuck t1_iu8et9d wrote

I disagree

-me who just woke up in pretty excruciating backpain


Ballcuzzi_Straw t1_iu8k6bl wrote

And that’ll likely continue so idk about you (well, I do actually cuz you disagree with OP, as do I), but I’d rather wake up with no back pain and then get it at the end of the day than wake up with back pain and end with back pain.


IGotHitByAHockeypuck t1_iu8m9cg wrote

Exactly this

(Mine seems to be fine/gone right now but that bitch might return. It tends to do that. And if not it’ll likely return tomorrow. I need to work soon let’s hope it doesn’t return)


killeratt t1_iub4x5j wrote

well i would rather not have any back pain at all, but i liked this analogy and know i don't know what i'm standing up for anymore