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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_iuayz1u wrote

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Due-Department-8666 t1_iuazyws wrote

Only if you're waiting to board. The passengers already embarked would not like to be late.


ObligatoryOption t1_iub1p76 wrote

A bus can arrive early at the stop but it cannot leave it early, it must leave on time. Passengers already embarked won't be made late by a bus that leaves on time. Boarding passengers who arrive on time must not be made to miss the bus because it left early.


Fleedjitsu t1_iub4kr7 wrote

What I always hated was that certain buses would get to my stop early. Before I had even arrived early.

Buses don't stop if there's no one wanting on or off. Even if someone wants off the bus at the stop @9.12am and the timetable says the bus should normally arrive @9.20am, the drive isn't waiting those 8 minutes! :(

Worst part is walking down the street, seeing the bus approach to the corner and having the driver show no empathy to the fact that you just needed to cross the road to the stop.


ObligatoryOption t1_iub688p wrote

Yeah, that's just poor delivery of the service. Some drivers just want to get to the other end of the line so they can go for a smoke or a coffee instead of getting to all stops as per the posted schedule. The bad ones need to be reported.


ResponsibleShampoo t1_iub9aky wrote

You are not at all acknowledging that the comment you responded to said that those on the bus don't want to be late. You are yet to debate that sentence at all, why would they like to be late vs early? The thread is irrelevant to that


ObligatoryOption t1_iubca0n wrote

Oh, it's because obviously (I assumed) people on board who are late don't like that. I didn't think there was anything more to say about this part so I said nothing. The point relevant to the comparison is that while those who are late will be inconvenienced, those who miss a bus that leaves early won't get there at all. Not getting there at all is worse than being late, and it's also a breach of the tacit agreement people make when they buy a bus pass: they expect to be picked up. Riders at large will prefer to be late than to not get there, so the comparison applies to all riders in general.

> why would they like to be late vs early?

As you must realize now, this is not about being late vs being early. It's about being late vs not being picked up at all.