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billding88 t1_itph9z3 wrote

I would argue that colloquially, cold pizza and frozen pizza are different foods. Frozen pizza CAN become cold pizza, but only after it's been cooked and thawed.

Growing up, if we were offered a choice for what to take to school in our lunch. Let's say the choices were PB&J or cold pizza...if I got to school and found frozen pizza I would be a little out of sorts.

So while frozen pizza is "technically" cold pizza, I feel like if I am talking to someone about cold pizza, it is highly likely we both understand EXACTLY what we are talking about, and it is not frozen pizza.

Just my 2c


razzec_phone t1_itppd0d wrote

Agreed, for us, cold pizza taken to school would have been the leftovers from the hot pizza we had the night before, not frozen pizza or frozen pizza thawed out.

Now I guess you could argue whether or not it was frozen pizza that we baked in the oven or freshly made pizza from a pizza place but I don't think either of those matter since the end result is the same for both: cold pizza that was once full cooked and hot.


DDDlokki t1_itpudrs wrote

Which is faster

A cold pizza getting warmer in room temperature


A hot pizza getting colder in room temperature


aircooledJenkins t1_itpyy5f wrote

Hot pizza getting cold.

At least, it cold at a faster rate than the cold pizza warms. The temperature differential between the hot pizza and the room is much greater than the cold pizza and the room.

Hot pizza will lose heat to the room at a faster rate than the room will lose heat to the cold pizza.