FTMHorn t1_itzljrd wrote
What about text messages? Speed of the internet? Speed of the phone lines?
Are there even measurements for it?
j0hnp0s t1_itzry4n wrote
Speed of the original language, plus latency of the medium of transmission
Annowhat t1_itzncdi wrote
Those would be slower than light I think, they would still be very fast, but not as fast as light.
NuclearCreations t1_itzuxwm wrote
They are electromagnetic waves, they travel at the speed of light.
Logicrazy12 t1_itzxs4y wrote
The waves sure but the devices don't.
JAM3SBND t1_iu001ej wrote
Not to mention a visual distance is shorter than electronic distance.
Me to you
My fingers to phone to satellite to your phone to your eyes
Logicrazy12 t1_iu00c9z wrote
It also take time to compress, decompress, and convert the files being sent to each device.
Muroid t1_itzzcye wrote
Electricity travels through wires at a high percentage of the speed of light, but not at the speed of light.
Same applies to light in fiber optic cables, actually.
OpenGiraffe t1_iu00sq9 wrote
The light in fiber optic cables travel at the speed of light, don't they?
Only, not the characteristic speed of light in vacuum, c≈300 000 km/s. You have to take the refractive index into account. But it's still the speed of light, through that specific medium (fiber optic cable in this case).
Muroid t1_iu01r1h wrote
The speed of light almost always refers to c. It would technically be correct to refer to any speed that light travels at as “the speed of light” but given the common name of c, that is almost never what people mean or understand by the phrase “speed of light” unless it’s been very clearly specified.
The speed of light through air is very, very close to c. The speed of light through fiber optics isn’t. Still a high percentage of c so very fast, but not a value that you’d ever mistake for c. With air it’s practically a rounding error away.
Nerdler17 t1_iu01rjd wrote
They bounce, a lot
primeprover t1_itzvlhy wrote
There will be some latency, but then they will travel at a very similar speed to the speed of light. That said the latency could be longer than the travel time. I remember reading a story once where someone had an issue sending emails further than 500 miles. Turns out there was a very fast timeout that was long enough for light to travel around 500 miles. Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/a6ay6j/the_case_of_the_500mile_email/
lethe25 t1_itznd80 wrote
Yes. Light
CatchMeWritinQWERTY t1_itzuzr4 wrote
Parts of the journey are at light speed but the average speed is definitely slower because blah blah blah (pretend I am saying stuff about telecom)
lethe25 t1_itzw616 wrote
Ah yes transistors and signal loss and packet loss blah blah (I understand a good chunk of the complexities here but not well enough to sufficiently explain them)
JerpJerps t1_itzy02d wrote
Damn, making me realize what a huge thing video calling must have been for deaf people
Denaton_ t1_itzrl1j wrote
Yah, it's called latency..
voluotuousaardvark t1_iu07406 wrote
Are you counting the time it takes to write the text message?
FTMHorn t1_iu0dps3 wrote
No. Also, I'm pretty sure it's been answered thankyou
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