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Ryimax t1_iufxsfh wrote

But if I'm right then it's not general anti discrimination. Especially since I know that on amusement rides and what not they can reject you because of weight


Khaylain t1_iuhf36o wrote

On amusement rides they can reject you because of weight because they have an exception to anti-discrimination laws for reasonable grounds. Those reasonable grounds are human safety.

This link shows that airlines also can reject you for being overweight if it will have effects on the balance of the plane or making the load of the plane outside accepted limits. That's improbable on most commercial flights, however, as a single person has little effect on a large plane.


dyandela t1_iuhsc9f wrote

I think you’re right, in general, about the effect of one person’s weight, but I was on a weirdly empty cross Atlantic flight and they reassigned everyone’s seats and told us we couldn’t move until after takeoff because they needed the plane to be balanced.


Khaylain t1_iuhsn80 wrote

Well, that's the difference between an empty flight and a mostly full flight. The more people the less difference one person makes. The less people, the more difference one person makes.


dyandela t1_iuht6ys wrote

Absolutely. Wasn’t trying to disagree, just thought I’d share my weird experience where it did matter.


Emergency-Doughnut88 t1_iug00uw wrote

Ok, I see where you're going with that. Rejecting someone that can't safely ride is a little different than charging someone more just because they're fat though.