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ThePrussianGrippe t1_iu9yd1n wrote

I’m not the one trying to pretend a made up, highly volatile commodity is a currency. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


a10lber t1_iu9yluc wrote

Today I learned digital information is "made up".


ThePrussianGrippe t1_iu9zxfi wrote

The entire concept of bitcoin has nothing backing it except what people think it’s worth. Does that sound at all different from fiat currency? Which, at the very least has more tied to its value than what a bunch of tech bros believe.

Also, again. It’s not even a currency. It’s a commodity.


a10lber t1_iua30qf wrote

It sounds to me like you have not done any research on Bitcoin. Because, if you had, you would know what it's backed by. Feel free to educate yourself using my comment history or stay ignorant.


ThePrussianGrippe t1_iua3oni wrote

Oh I’ve read plenty into it. Which is why i know enough to not call it a currency and why I’m staying away from the world’s biggest (and environmentally terrible) pump and dump scheme.


a10lber t1_iuakxzb wrote

That's okay, Bitcoin doesn't need you. But you need Bitcoin whether you realize it or not. You'll just be a laggard.


ThePrussianGrippe t1_iuamhua wrote

Pffft. No. Just no. I have no need for bitcoin, much like corn futures. It’s a commodity, not a currency. It is fundamentally useless as a currency for the exact same reason its being used as a pump and dump. In fact for it to even be used as a currency in a common way it would have to plummet in value and stay at a stable value.

Try not to lose your house when the bubble pops more.


a10lber t1_iuand18 wrote

You don't have a need for Bitcoin yet. That's what you don't get ha.


ZeroSuitBayonetta t1_iuaq9tw wrote

There's always been someone like you that says something like this. This isn't the first time a new currency like Bitcoin has come up in history.

Some people just don't need it, wussy. Get over it.