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t1_iuaenko wrote



OP t1_iuak859 wrote

So maybe rape isn’t, as proved by a phsycologist in another comment, but having a stronger sex drive certainly is


t1_iubvir7 wrote

If you can prove sex drive is hereditary, if any trait you wonder about isn't, then the conversation is fairly pointless.

As far as I am aware, sex drive is still under debate, and needs more studies to be solidified as hereditary.

Saying "certainly" is wrong for sure.


OP t1_iueat2n wrote

Even if it’s not hereditary, the individuals who have it, will reproduce more, so even if their not reproducing that trait they are reproducing the rest of their traits more, so natural selection does favour individual creatures who have one, even if neither of their parents do.


t1_iufb0tx wrote

You can't know for sure, because you're stating it like it's above normal, and that kind of behavior might get you locked up and the person who you violated got an abortion, most likely.

So like, no matter how you think about it, there are valid arguments against it being a "certainty".


t1_iuaau70 wrote

Knowing that humanoids were almost at all times very social I don't think they would accept or tolerate someone who is obviously not giving a shit about social structure nor helping the group advance into the future in a productive way.


t1_iubjrdm wrote

And here my people is why Idiocracy is an accurate take instead of just a comedy


t1_iuafr6i wrote

I get what you are trying to say, even if it doesn't come across quite right.

On a nature documentary they detailed a fish with two distinct males, an Alpha and a Beta. The Alpha was big and showy and kept all the femskes, so you'd expect the Betas would have no chance to reproduce and die off. But they could get in and fertilise eggs whilst the Alphas were defending territory. So differences to the norm can be successful.


t1_iucrj7e wrote

In a world where a cohesive family structure is advantageous it would not be favorable to have the female hate you. Raising a child until it is an adult and able to reproduce is the goal in evolution (simple over statement). Creating a baby that is going to be dependent on the mother for many years, where the mother might have negative associations and potentially negative feelings towards the child will not give said child a competitive advantage vs. Peers. At least this is how I see it.


OP t1_iueb2nw wrote

Your right. I admitted earlier that I was definitely wrong about rape, but creatures with a stronger sex drive will reproduce more, most of the time probably


t1_iuc24fn wrote

Yes, it goes along personality traits of the fast life history spectrum, which are both heritable and epigenetic.