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mafiaknight t1_iy1smyv wrote

I personally disagree with the underlying belief in evolution, but understanding your viewpoint I agree with your conclusions: If evolution is true as commonly believed then everything you’ve said is both true and surprisingly interesting.

I didn’t know elephants had funerals. I had assumed this one was from ants, who collect the dead in a graveyard. I’m not convinced this == spirituality, but neither will I refute the point. I accept it as “perhaps”.


Fickle-Cartoonist466 t1_iy1sv4m wrote

Yeah for sure


I think I'm going to delete this post because it's based on fringe scientific knowledge which requires context to understand; more context than I first expected.

Peace ✌


mafiaknight t1_iy1tcs4 wrote

Word. I appreciate where you’re coming from, and that you shared. I found it interesting and thought provoking.

Some of the stuff is more correlation than causation IMO, but that doesn’t make it untrue per se.

It also pressumes a specific belief in the creation of the universe, but within that belief, it’s quite insightful I think.

Thanks for explaining and not just insulting me like some people do.