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TheWaffleWeirdo t1_iy03jy7 wrote

A sun is a star that has planets orbiting around it. It's like how our moon is called the moon, but there are still tons of other moons


FrogBoglin t1_iy05jfy wrote

Our star is called the Sun and it's the only star with that name. Our moon is called Luna


Alpha_Crow_1 t1_iy0bgci wrote

Our sun's name is Sol. No one ever calls it that though.


BerossusZ t1_iy1vdc7 wrote

Our moon is actually called "Moon" and our star is "Sun". Sol and Luna could be used as other names for them and people love to say those are their "actual" names, but even scientists don't ever use them. Moon and Sun just ARE their names in the present day, not just what they're commonly called