Submitted by ParticleDetector t3_z63e7m in Showerthoughts
ARPanda700 t1_ixz5i0t wrote
While not every single star in the night sky is a sun, the likelihood of there being >1 is still high.
AxialGem t1_ixz5qc4 wrote
What makes something a sun, according to you?
Like, a star of the same type?
ARPanda700 t1_ixz75qi wrote
> the luminous celestial body around which the earth and other planets revolve
I'd say a star that provides anything for the bodies revolving around it, even if it's just that gravity guidance, is a sun. A star solo-drifting off in space wouldn't be a sun in my mind, but I'm also not an astronomer so what do I know!
AxialGem t1_ixz8iym wrote
Sure, that's why I asked what you personally meant I guess, I'm not sure whether 'sun' is always used in astronomy with a super rigorous definition, although I've heard 'sun-like star' plenty as well.
Afaik it is thought that most stars do in fact have planets, but ofc I'm also not an astronomer lol
shaneswa t1_ixzcyd7 wrote
Well naming a star "Sun" is probably the most important qualifier. What makes something a Jeffery, according to you?
AxialGem t1_ixzdxue wrote
Haha, I mean you're right. A Jeffery, like all concepts, is simply that which we habitually call a Jeffery. Which can be many different things I guess
Not all Karens are named Karen either ;)
snowman-89 t1_ixzdz2o wrote
There is only one Sun, and there are still stars during the day, just not visible by the naked eye
stackdatdough t1_ixzqspu wrote
This shit doesn’t even make sense. The sun is a star but that’s it. There’s only one sun
BlitzFan1234 t1_ixzw7bx wrote
Technically all stars that have orbiting planets are suns. While you are correct that the stars are there during the day you can’t see them therefore ops point still stands.
Kenbujutsu t1_iy011q6 wrote
There are many stars but only one Sun.
BlitzFan1234 t1_iy01nuw wrote
“A star is called a Sun only if positioned at the centre of a planetary system. And because many stars in the galaxy also have planets orbiting them, this also makes them Suns.” Quote from the website
TheWaffleWeirdo t1_iy03jy7 wrote
A sun is a star that has planets orbiting around it. It's like how our moon is called the moon, but there are still tons of other moons
felixrocket7835 t1_iy04mix wrote
This is objectively incorrect, the Sun is the name for OUR star, there are not multiple suns.
"The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System."
"The star round which the earth orbits."
Couple of definitions
"Sun" isn't a label for a type of star or a different name for a star, it's just a name for the star we orbit, people often get confused as we call our moon, the moon, and other natural satellites, moons, some articles will say suns instead of stars to not confuse those with rather bad astronomy knowledge.
FrogBoglin t1_iy05jfy wrote
Our star is called the Sun and it's the only star with that name. Our moon is called Luna
Alpha_Crow_1 t1_iy0bgci wrote
Our sun's name is Sol. No one ever calls it that though.
FrogBoglin t1_iy0bw5r wrote
Oh yeah, I'm dumb, don't listen to me
SirenHead29 t1_iy0fbp1 wrote
Sol Sanctum
_gravy_train_ t1_iy0hm4j wrote
Sol is basically Latin for sun.
ParticleDetector OP t1_iy0n9i8 wrote
Popular media has made it such that some people do call other stars ‘sun’ though.
Krypton’s red sun
tattoine’s twins suns
Romulan sun
So much so that I think many people would imagine standing on an alien planet, looking up at their version of the star the planet is orbiting, and casually say ‘damn the sun is sure hot today’.
Edit : I’m not saying people are calling every star as ‘suns’ interchangeably, I’m saying people call the star a planet is orbiting as the ‘sun’ of that planet.
apprehensize_command t1_iy0ro6o wrote
Sun is basically english for Sol
KmartQuality t1_iy0uzll wrote
Whatever planet you ate orbiting is "the sun".
If you find yourself in interstellar space or around another star you could refer to the sun as "my sun/star" or "our sun/star".
felixrocket7835 t1_iy0wk2c wrote
I have never heard that definition in my life, well, except on WalesOnline.. hardly a good source.
The Sun is the name of our star, the reason people use sun for stars is due to a misconception, thinking that sun is simply a synonym for stars.
Most dictionaries define the Sun as the star which the earth orbits.
AxialGem t1_iy0wqlc wrote
If you're big into dictionary definitions, wiktionary has the following:
"A star, especially when seen as the centre of any single solar system"
And OED lists: "any star around which planets move"
The thing is, the usage of a word determines its meaning, not any one definition. And the word sun is in fact habitually used to mean 'star,' just read or listen to works of sci-fi I guess. If you pretend it's not, you're simply not capturing the full meaning.
KmartQuality t1_iy0xcnk wrote
It's has never been uttered realistically that way because nobody has ever been close to another star.
But it makes perfect sense in science fiction
ChainSword20000 t1_iy0yatl wrote
Sol is the name. Sun is its role. The earths sun, tatooines sun, etc. Its the SOLar system.
Plisq-5 t1_iy133an wrote
So, technically a planet could have two suns if it’s orbiting a binary system?
BlitzFan1234 t1_iy1382v wrote
Technically yes that would be correct
iamblankenstein t1_iy1hy64 wrote
"sol" is the latin word for "the sun". sun and sol are often used interchangeably, but both are just names for the star in our local solar system, not a "role" it's playing.
[deleted] t1_iy1v3kn wrote
BerossusZ t1_iy1vdc7 wrote
Our moon is actually called "Moon" and our star is "Sun". Sol and Luna could be used as other names for them and people love to say those are their "actual" names, but even scientists don't ever use them. Moon and Sun just ARE their names in the present day, not just what they're commonly called
SyncMeASong t1_iy21mfz wrote
Merriam-Webster has entered the chat
SyncMeASong t1_iy22gze wrote
Where are all of these r/confidentlyincorrect down votes coming from. How can people be so confident about astronomy, but not know how to use Google or one of the many dictionary sites.
Nothing wrong with OP's use of "sun."
Edit: fixed link
ParticleDetector OP t1_iy271pr wrote
It’s like that as well on the Oxford Dictionary and the Collin’s dictionary but I’m still getting downvoted for mentioning that it’s also like that in popular fiction :(
Apparently the sun as a common noun is not…accepted by everyone?
ParticleDetector OP t1_iy2b13c wrote
Since we aren’t talking about the Sun (proper noun version), are you talking about using ‘sun’ (the common noun version) as a replacement for any star, even though it’s not orbited by planets?
If so then yeah that’s it’s weird.
But isn’t ‘sun’ (as a common noun) already being used for a rather long time to describe stars with planets, in popular works, and have such characters in such works mention is as the ‘sun’ (common noun) of that planet etc?
I don’t think I’ve seen anyone here yet say that ‘sun’ is a straight synonym for ‘star’, especially lonely stars with nothing orbiting it.
Like, if you see binary stars and nothing else in that system, we don’t call those ‘suns’ right?
I think you assumed that I was using ‘sun’ as a synonym for every single star?
WeirdCreeper t1_iy2bl79 wrote
Anyone who says there isn't more than one sun in the universe I'm just gonna start saying earth's star is relatively cold today better leave my jacket at home to avoid getting starburnt.
ParticleDetector OP t1_iy2esm5 wrote
I think I’m seeing a few things happening in the replies.
People thinking I’m using ‘sun’ interchangeably for every star out there regardless if they have planet/s orbiting it.
People thinking I’m using ‘Sun’ the proper noun, instead of of ‘sun’ the common noun. (But I didn’t capitalize ‘sun’ anyway.
People who somehow have not come across the usage of ‘sun’ the common noun in popular media (I’m just so not sure of this one because it’s so common that it’s improbable they missed it.)
Edit : 4. People perhaps thinking that I’m referring to other stars as a sun relative to where we are, when it’s a ‘sun’ relative to the planets orbiting that star. And again common usage in popular media.
I’m as perplexed as you are.
Mohamed_430 t1_iy2etv0 wrote
SyncMeASong t1_iy2fzqr wrote
Someone incorrectly thought they had a "gotcha on a technicality" moment -- and even selectively listed some definitions while omitting others that nullify his statement.
That comment made it to the top early after being jumped on by other people with similar "gotcha" desires.
Now the top comment is simply getting the reflexive subconscious upvotes that top comments get.
Laugh it off. :)
Artsy_traveller_82 t1_iy2llvx wrote
Our Sun is called Sol by the way. That’s why it’s called the Solar System.
EliOfTheSong t1_iy2m5ys wrote
Everyone's being adequately pedantic about what constitutes a 'sun', but what about what it means to 'see'? Sunlight doesn't block light from stars from reaching our eyes, it just drowns it out. So in the day, our eyes receive light from all the extra-solar stars plus one solar star.
The_camperdave t1_iy2mh59 wrote
> Our Sun is called Sol by the way. That’s why it’s called the Solar System.
Yeah, and Earth is called Terra. Two names for the same object.
Reddit-User-3000 t1_iy2mi22 wrote
Yeah, “Sun” and “Star that acts like our sun” are technically both correct a according to many dictionaries including the Oxford English Dictionary, and However the latter also recognizes “Goblinmode” as a word. As incorrect phrases become common place they are eventually accepted, which is what happened in the case of the Sun. We have named many stars, ours not disclosed. We named our star “The Sun”, just as we named the largest known Star “UY Scuti”. At first calling stars Suns would have been the same as calling them Scutis, but since it has became more widely used and accepted it has become correct according to some reputable sources.
Artsy_traveller_82 t1_iy2ml07 wrote
Artsy_traveller_82 t1_iy2mnph wrote
I would define it as a star with at least one planet.
ParticleDetector OP t1_iy2mpmy wrote
Haha! That makes a kind of sense! So…you see more suns in the daytime than at night?
And this goes down the rabbit hole of
Nights where there are no moon - you see more stars because the moon occupies space in the sky
Days where the sun and moon are in the sky together - you see least stars because now there are two bodies taking up some space in the sky.
AxialGem t1_iy2mxen wrote
Sure. In that case there are plenty of course
EliOfTheSong t1_iy2nmfk wrote
Ah you make a point that we have to take into account the stars the sun is physically blocking. If there are at least two stars behind the sun (and whose light is not gravitationally lensed around it), then night is back in the lead.
AxialGem t1_iy2nmsz wrote
Definitely. Generalization is one of the most common and well-understood types of semantic change. Even if it wasn't in dictionaries, whether or not a word is commonly used in a certain way is an observable fact lol. But yea, they are right to list that broader usage of course
ParticleDetector OP t1_iy2nqk4 wrote
Unless the moon is up and also blocks two stars!
[deleted] t1_iy2p61s wrote
alfology2 t1_iy2smue wrote
How do you know what the other stars are called? Have you been there?
Criticalhit_jk t1_iy2vjcn wrote
It probably wouldn't take me very long to find someone who unironically doesn't believe in the sun in this day and age, so don't take it too hard if someone disagrees with your verbiage regarding it
Craeondakie t1_iy2vtwc wrote
This shower thought makes sense though? There's nothing really wrong with what OP said, top comment just wanted to pick a fight. Probably had nothing better to do.
ParticleDetector OP t1_iy2y8w0 wrote
Omg you made me go google ‘the sun is fake’ and ‘flat earthers don’t believe in sun’ and other stuff lol.
Th3Banzaii t1_iy2ye7h wrote
We named them. We only used the most unimaginative names for our stuff, Sun, Moon and Earth.
The_Real_Johnson t1_iy2yjs4 wrote
By your definition blind people see, interesting.
Cheyruz t1_iy2znx4 wrote
To continue the pedantism, I'd still argue that you don’t see the stars, even if you might see their light. If I stand around a corner from you and shine a flashlight on a wall you can see, you still don’t see the flashlight, just the light from it.
alfology2 t1_iy324tk wrote
We’ve not named all the stars. Might be another one out there called sun
criitz t1_iy3efa9 wrote
Everyone boo this man
mfb- t1_iy3kede wrote
We won't name another star "sun" or its equivalent in other languages, that would just be confusing for no reason.
mfb- t1_iy3kjmp wrote
The Moon is up in the day as often as in the night.
Stars are not uniformly distributed so the number varies during the (24 hour) day in some complex pattern.
alfology2 t1_iy3nuyb wrote
The universe is infinite innit. Also who says we have to name it for it to be called the sun
Rehiea t1_iy4bnwc wrote
aardbei123 t1_iy4f6ek wrote
Think about what you just said right now
alfology2 t1_iy53z9k wrote
Are you suggesting he’s been there lol
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