[deleted] t1_iy40ekd wrote
westondeboer t1_iy41q9p wrote
EvilRedRobot t1_iy44v1l wrote
Thank you. This mystery has haunted me for years! To solve it, I will now place a small candle on the floor under the alarm every night so I can rest with peace of mind.
Kat121 t1_iy4gusw wrote
Transistor gain absolutely decreases with temperature.
Nimelennar t1_iy4js68 wrote
That's a waste of energy.
Me, I'm going to pack around it with some insulation so that it isn't exposed to the cold air of the house.
Peace_is-a-lie t1_iy4tdqf wrote
You really hope it's not from a fire in the electrical box.
the_buckman_bandit t1_iy4vz5s wrote
Also hope it is not from a blood thirsty maniac as well
hummingbird4289 t1_iy4x9xp wrote
This once happened to me AT AN AIRBNB. No one knew where the smoke detector was, and when it was finally found, it was at the top of a high-ceilinged stairwell out of everyone's reach.
Long story short, we ended up smashing it with a broom handle to make it shut up and emailing the owner to explain. Hopefully the replacement was installed somewhere more accessible...
rjwut t1_iy54fpx wrote
Corrected a mistake in my original comment: I accidentally wrote that resistance was decreased instead of increased.
THE_GR8_MIKE t1_iy58aqu wrote
How cold do you let your place get at night?
Dopeydcare1 t1_iy58gv8 wrote
Yup. I figured this out when I dropped a phone in the pool long ago and I dried it out, it worked, but every single time the temp dropped below 45 (SoCal, so not too often) when I was outside, my phone batter would drop from whatever it’s at to 1%
theepi_pillodu t1_iy5b49u wrote
When you replace the batteries, replace during midnight, so the battery will go out during the day..!
KamovInOnUp t1_iy5bgxn wrote
They don't go off.
I'm pretty sure all new builds (at least in my area) are required to have either shared battery backups (battery + hardwire) or a 10-year sealed battery
chickpeaze t1_iy5cnv6 wrote
In my part of the world it's not the battery, they just go off when the humidity is over 85%.
KBeazy_30 t1_iy5dvhw wrote
Because the batteries last on exactly a cycle divisible by 24 hours? Source?
theepi_pillodu t1_iy5elf2 wrote
Well, my smoke detector batteries died during the day, so, OP's statement is not a blanket statement right?
Anyway, let me ask you this, do you change the battery during the 3am time or wait until morning?
Googoltetraplex t1_iy5fmx2 wrote
Let me know when your house burns down
danliv2003 t1_iy5hilf wrote
Googoltetraplex t1_iy5hmvp wrote
Don't worry, I understood the joke
Violet351 t1_iy5jix5 wrote
My house is 130 years old but I had them put in when the electrics had to be replaced a few years ago
RoVeR199809 t1_iy5l6jf wrote
If it is older people living there they may not have been able to hear the beeping
kvlr954 t1_iy5lp57 wrote
Nah, the only people I ever saw coming out of there were teenagers and middle aged parents
s0nicboom714 t1_iy5m392 wrote
Oh, in that case it should have been r/YourJokeButWorse
lachlanhunt t1_iy5nuvt wrote
Replace your smoke detector with a modern one that has a non-removable lithium battery that lasts 10 years. Then it becomes a very infrequent problem.
1upin OP t1_iy5odlo wrote
lachlanhunt t1_iy5p1bh wrote
Ask your landlord. Check the expiry date or manufacture date on the smoke detector. They don’t last forever and need to be replaced about every 10 years anyway, so if it’s old, you might have a case.
eloel- t1_iy5p5do wrote
I definitely remove them at 3am, who knows if I'm putting new ones in at 3am or 9am.
Restless_Wonderer t1_iy5pnfy wrote
What about the YouTube channels where you hear the beep for months, lol
Laserdollarz t1_iy5t0h4 wrote
Untrue. My smoke detector died at 7am on my day off last week.
TheDeadlySquid t1_iy5ub2b wrote
Those are also the hours in which your dog will vomit on the carpet.
ConfusedInTN t1_iy5w4dh wrote
Had one die at around 5 am once. I panicked and called my dad to come before work so he could bring a ladder and battery. He brought three dead batteries. I have no car and no mental health to deal with that sound. After he left I got the kids up and out the door for school. Called apartment manager and they had no batteries after a few months before telling me they have to change them and not us. Then saying I had to. So had to Uber to CVS and buy batteries to change it. I cannot handle that sound and will do about anything to stop it.
Naughty_Goat t1_iy5wgb1 wrote
I made a meme of this a while ago.
thephantom1492 t1_iy5woov wrote
DUH! of course! . . . Why didn't I tought about that before?
And it explain also why in winter too, we set the heating at 18°C at night and 21°C during the day, but the ceiling itself being the attic is most likelly quite colder (the insulation is trash, I need to redo it, maybe this spring?)
Zaiya53 t1_iy60sxg wrote
I did a job at this super huge house (2000s, idk exactly). Four stories. I had to be on each story four 20-30 minutes & EVERY smoke detector was beeping. This family had lived there for a while, the house had that lived in feel they had kids running around toys all over. I even made mention to the beeps "Sounds like you guys need some batteries huh! Hehe" She gave me a "🤨🤨🤨" then said "Okay I'll be upstairs if you need anything:)" Like her look to me didn't say she thought I was rude, but that she was completely dumbfounded by why I would say such an off the wall remark. It was so weird ...
series_hybrid t1_iy61o53 wrote
This is generally true, because batteries encounter greater internal resistance and voltage-drop...when they get cold.
During the day, heat rises, so that last gasp of life can hold on till the next cold cycle, at night...
1upin OP t1_iy6bwd6 wrote
Yes! Or cats and hairballs!!
1upin OP t1_iy6c14s wrote
Those people must not be human because I cannot comprehend how that is possible. 😫
Sonyguyus t1_iy6dg07 wrote
I install fire alarms for a living and to hear that in videos drives me up the wall.
rjwut t1_iy6s5ai wrote
It doesn't have to get very cold; only slightly colder than during the day.
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