gackt2 t1_j2997ou wrote
Or showing naked to anywhere since I'm sure being naked by that time is kind of....normal
BlankMyName t1_j299vlx wrote
They had to deal with the recurring nightmare of showing up to high school clothed.
OldCarWorshipper t1_j29bmhd wrote
If you were on the swim team before the 1970's, it was normal to be naked there ( but nowhere else on campus ) .
Such_Drink_4621 t1_j29bu54 wrote
No, they just had to deal with the recurring nightmare of pre-industrial, pre-medicinal, pre-agricultural life.
[deleted] t1_j29gcf2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j29gf6e wrote
[deleted] t1_j29iy0g wrote
Heizu t1_j29p880 wrote
They did have the recurring nightmare of waking up already half-eaten by predators, though
[deleted] t1_j29q54w wrote
BigMar-ster t1_j29sgh8 wrote
They had to deal with recurring nightmares of waking up covered by the new bright and hot thing that the other cavemen discovered
ericypoo t1_j29uhjb wrote
Yea they’re nightmares we’re just about getting their head bashed in by their neighbor or getting eaten alive by a saber tooth.
[deleted] t1_j29uubc wrote
[deleted] t1_j29y9ml wrote
Roostersnuggets t1_j2a2vhx wrote
I had that nightmare, but I just said fuck it and laughed with everybody else.
flavortownpolitics t1_j2a7eqw wrote
Ruminations of not having enough wooly mammoth roasts and Sabre tooth tiger steaks for the family
[deleted] t1_j2ah7km wrote
[deleted] t1_j2alwn2 wrote
jokingduno t1_j2ap2lp wrote
I somehow have never had that nightmare.
Banned4Transphobia t1_j2aqbfe wrote
I’m sure they had similar nightmares, something else that would cause embarrassment. From my understanding our dreams is our subconscious preparing us for things to come. That’s why we experience dreams like losing our parents at the supermarket or showing up nude to school. Mentally preparing us for embarrassment/loss
[deleted] t1_j2at029 wrote
The_Dragon_Lover t1_j2aun2h wrote
Maybe, but they might've had PTSD after witnessing a member of their tribe getting eaten alive by a carnivorous animal, stomped to death by a mammoth, or dying from hypothermia!
[deleted] t1_j2av54b wrote
thecountnotthesaint t1_j2ayf0o wrote
Oh no, Tunga show up to hunt with no spear tip, only stick.
ronaldmosess t1_j2b6mby wrote
They had nightmares of getting their head eaten by a leopard when the wife is sucking their minca.
deezpretzels OP t1_j2b6s6d wrote
Well that does explain that one weird cave painting in Lascaux.
[deleted] t1_j2bd0ol wrote
Ill_Negotiation4135 t1_j2bftfm wrote
Tunga piss off lion with blunt spear!
Werewolfwrath t1_j2bp9e9 wrote
Maybe the did. They could've been getting visions of the future.
[deleted] t1_j2bzczs wrote
[deleted] t1_j2cltvq wrote
Vamp_Rocks t1_j2cvcmp wrote
They had nightmares where they were wrapped in fabric and couldn’t be free
jarofsalamanders t1_j2d0m8j wrote
Neither did those kids who went to work in the coal mines. Ahhh the simpler times.
[deleted] t1_j2fxeyx wrote
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