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BrandGSX t1_j1ykqjj wrote

I would like to assume it was a chemist/engineer developing color flash photography who knew better.


Djinn42 t1_j1yr9wb wrote

Unless the person was scientifically minded vs superstitious...


StaleTheBread OP t1_j1yv2ue wrote

They’d still freak out though. Like yeah eventually they’d be like “well there’s gotta be some reason for this.” But there would be a moment of “Jesus what the fuck?”


nobecauselogic t1_j1zlpox wrote

Optics engineer: Hmm, their eyes picked up the flash. Should we redesign to try to fix that?

Product designer: Nah, people will want a camera with the flash built in.


RingGiver t1_j1zo42r wrote

People in the past weren't stupid. They were smarter than the kind of person who thinks that simply being of an earlier time makes you stupid.


canigetahoohelp t1_j1zri8p wrote

I assumed someone saw red-eye in real life first and then tried to capture it.


StaleTheBread OP t1_j1zwqx2 wrote

Look, I’m not saying they shouted “witch” and burned them at the stake (especially considering this was like mid-1900s?) but they’d be freaked out. Hell, people still believe in ghosts now and a good bit of that is still from camera stuff


canigetahoohelp t1_j2016f5 wrote

Yes! I was once laying down kind of parallel with an open window talking to a friend who screamed mid sentence when I tilted my head a certain way haha. She then realized what was happening and took a video so I could see! Super weird but pretty cool


StaleTheBread OP t1_j201q2s wrote

Oh wow! I always thought it was something to do with cameras picking up light in a different way than we do. But I guess I was mixing up film cameras with cheap digital cameras that don’t filter IR.

I guess it has something to do with the angle of the flash and how we don’t usually see each others eyes at the right angle and lighting for something like that.

Edit: thank you for answering my question. Other people on here don’t seem to have much patience


Imnotawerewolf t1_j204ehe wrote

I mean, I used to think that when I was little lol I remember specifically my cousin had a picture of her dog in her room with that effect and it creeped me out so bad for some reason


MrT735 t1_j204jm8 wrote

Camera flashes go way back to the glass-plate era, so it would have been grey-eyes at first, and people would have realised that it was a reflection of the flash.


fatman06 t1_j206knl wrote

Not quite the same but there were churches that believed cameras would steal your soul.



Fangore t1_j207sht wrote

You think for colour photos, the scientists took one and thought "fuck it good enough to take out to the public." There were probably months, if not years of testing. Somewhere in that time, they def came across this issue.


StaleTheBread OP t1_j2081tg wrote

Oh good point. Thanks for pointing that out. I guess I at least though a scientist would be like “Jesus, what is with your eyes!” But that’s while they’re also testing anyway so they’ve probably seen worse stuff already. Also I didn’t consider how creepy negatives are already.


MrMoussab t1_j20biuo wrote

Or maybe just assumed there is something wrong with the camera. Not all people believe in being possessed and stuff


Kanden_27 t1_j20c3oo wrote

I would assume they would test it on more than just one person and not draw the conclusion from that.


canigetahoohelp t1_j20cuk5 wrote

Yeah no problem! I see you’re getting downvoted for asking the question… sometimes human beings don’t know things until they ask. Happy to share some insight! It’s definitely the angle of the light/flash.


StaleTheBread OP t1_j20dqxm wrote

Thanks! I wish people actually read the comments before posting. Then they’d know plenty of people already corrected me

Edit: also I wish people wouldn’t take me so literally. I’m not trying to say early photographers were cowering in fear at the thought of demons.

And on top of that, even if the literal “first” people to see it knew, it doesn’t mean they knew to inform consumers. They may have though, “eh, they’ll be smart enough to not freak out” and then maybe consumers freaked out.


StaleTheBread OP t1_j20k9yd wrote

Welp. Bad phrasing on my part though.

Also I feel like Reddit there’s some sort of dichotomy of “people who think about everything rationally” and “people who believe in dumb shit”. Or maybe I’m just trying to justify why so many people felt the need to correct me


Trooper_Sicks t1_j20l2iy wrote

>I guess it has something to do with the angle of the flash and how we don’t usually see each others eyes at the right angle and lighting for something like that.

I was told its because the flash bounces off the back of our eyes back into the camera, cameras with an anti red eye shines a light into your eye before the flash so your eyes contract in reaction and so less likely for the flash to bounce out compared to if they were dilated


StaleTheBread OP t1_j20l6p9 wrote

Ironically, I’m usually annoyed by people who assume people in the past are dumb (it’s crazy how much people over-exaggerate how bad the Middle Ages are). Guess I’m the dumb one this time though


StaleTheBread OP t1_j20lp2q wrote

Yeah I guess the people making it would notice. But the consumers wouldn’t all know what it is.

Hell, there’s still people who believe in ghosts because of “light orbs” in pictures. And more recently video compression has led people to believe in lizard person conspiracies


StaleTheBread OP t1_j20m2ft wrote

Thanks. And there’s much dumber things people post on this sub. They probably get their fair share of corrections though.

Oh, and remember when people used to say “when you wish upon a star, that star is billions of light years away and is dead by now.”? That was so easily disprovable but it went around the internet so much


OsakaJack t1_j210ja1 wrote

They are, though. Every time you have your picture taken, a doorway in your soul allows a demon in. Or am I misunderstanding something.


feor1300 t1_j210lco wrote

There's lots of funny stuff you can imagine people discovering. Like imagine being the guy who discovered popcorn. Sitting around one evening and all of a sudden supper explodes.


wombey12 t1_j212y2d wrote

>A wagon box is 2 ft. deep, 10 feet long, and 3 ft. wide. How many bushels of wheat will it hold?

At least one, probably.

>Who were the following: Morse, Whitney, Fulton, Bell, Lincoln, Penn, and Howe.

Morse is that detective off the TV, Whitney was that woman who wants to dance with somebody, Penn is that magician who works with Teller, Howe is the former manager of AFC Bournemouth.


Entronico t1_j216gk4 wrote

No way. I'd just present it at my next "Vampires Are Real" News conference.


defygod t1_j217pb1 wrote

i remember finding a weird website/blog of people who thought little “orbs” of lights in photos were spirits


fish-rides-bike t1_j21g0sm wrote

Unlikely as that person would have been at the forefront of optical science and known in a second that they were seeing a reflection off the back wall of the eyeball.


InfernalRodent t1_j21gx3y wrote

Morse- Invented the telegraph,hence Morse Code

Whitney- Cotton gin,would have tanked the South's economy if they hadn't done it with the war

Fulton-No idea


Penn-No idea

Howe-No idea

The fact I remember any of that would shock my teachers I'm sure.


ScoroScope t1_j21qvfa wrote

Don’t even apologize to these grifters. OP had no reason to take this post so seriously but comment sections on Reddit tend to be full of the sensitive types. One look at their profile tells you why they’re really triggered by your post


Unkindlake t1_j224c6t wrote

Why is there a conspiracy for everything else on the planet, but not that?


Bridazzles t1_j22hhcm wrote

What’s worse is knowing that a whole lot of people won’t even know what this is.


Ok-Software-1902 t1_j22wu8u wrote

I imagine it was more like “oh, looks like humans also do the reflective eye thing that we see in dogs and owls and stuff when we shine lights on them”


malary1234 t1_j233h4p wrote

I came here to make sure this was noted. Even with our new fancy phone cameras make sure you sure flash occasionally with your child to make sure you are monitoring for this! If you see it have it investigated immediately, this is not one of those thing you can wait on.


Octochil6 t1_j234ovq wrote

Pretty sure the first person to get camera flashed was burned at stake or was that fake


postitsam t1_j23ccq8 wrote

Wonder how many kids these days haven't ever seen that effect. It must be like 15 years since I used a digital camera that did that.