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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j26aw22 wrote

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TheBradIstace t1_j26bthm wrote

This has to be a Gen Z or Millennial thing. Used to be that you watched what was on; the only option was which channel. The next day everyone would be talking about the same show because we all watched it at the same time.


poormansnormal t1_j26ce4v wrote

It's called broadcast programming, and it's been a thing since the mid-1930s.


wildadragon t1_j26cgsz wrote

Ummm yeah episodes air on TV all get played together. Same with sporting events.


libertyordeaaathh t1_j26d5p0 wrote

You mean like most of all of television for most humans on the planet?


OutwestRedneck t1_j26f4b2 wrote

I always hate the delay on "live" shows... I just wish I could watch it oh, I dunno, LIVE


bayless210 t1_j26fx1g wrote

With the way streaming services launch their shows? Yeah all the time.


david_leaves t1_j26hyx8 wrote

It's conceivable that two people would start a Netflix movie at the exact same moment, watch for an hour and then pause at the exact same moment for pee break and exchange the same words (maybe in a diff language) with a household member and then start playing again at the same time. I wonder if Netflix has any data on this - not the conversing part but all else.


Pabst_Malone t1_j26jucg wrote

You mean cable or satellite tv? Wait till you find out about the radio.


jbeeziemeezi t1_j26pkmx wrote

I watched jeopardy tonight live. I think a few million ppl were on the same time stamp.


Sgt_Fox t1_j26rdd8 wrote

No, because we have terrestrial television literally showing everyone who tunes in the same thing at the same time


ind3pend0nt t1_j26srom wrote

I seriously doubt any streaming service, outside of live events, have any data to determine if two unique users meet that criteria. If they do then that would be a sell story for marketing/sales. Showing how many eyes are glued to Netflix.


Double-Working1990 OP t1_j26yf88 wrote

I thought it would be obvious to most people I wasn't talking about live television...


One_Planche_Man t1_j2719kw wrote

VSauce actually made a video about a decade ago about how many people in the world press the space bar at the exactly same time. This video. He basically estimates every second, 6 million people are pressing the space bar.


MarinaJoyce7 t1_j276zou wrote

Realistically, probably anytime a show is released you’d have many people watching the moment it went live.


mtthwas t1_j278y4p wrote

I mean, the person sitting next to me on the couch is absolutely watching the same exact show at the same timestamp as I am...even watching on the same exact TV!


iD-Remus t1_j279r55 wrote

There could be multiple people reading this post at the same exact pace in their heads


scdog t1_j279tzb wrote

What you’re describing is how it used to be for every show and movie on TV.


carldubs t1_j27dced wrote

sure it happens a lot when something new comes out. an older show, prolly not so much.


eternalankh t1_j27h0gu wrote

I mean, my ex and I had a long distance relationship and we would often sync up movies while on a Skype call to watch movies together.


mesterw t1_j27iisf wrote

I'm sure it happens every time a new season of Letterkenney drops


hir04tr3dd1t t1_j27iy2i wrote

Yeah I also often wonder if someone or a group of people who are doing the same thing I'm doing at the same intensity,it really makes your mind wonder which is kind of interesting and curious.


SenorTron t1_j27ry79 wrote

Netflix says that in the first three weeks there were 150 million different households that streamed Wednesday.

There are 1,814,400 seconds in three weeks. If viewings were equally spread out (in reality they'd be more clumped) that means 83 households had to start watching each second, so there were definitely a bunch of people watching at the same time as others.


callmefreak t1_j27ycxi wrote

Over a decade ago my dad and uncle decided to watch a new episode of Family Guy together, but from their own homes and talking to each other through the phone. They accidentally found out that my uncle's TV was slightly behind my dad's even though they were watching the same show, on the same channel, at (almost) the same time.

I don't understand why they decided to do that that night. They haven't done that before or since. I just thought that it was kind of funny that they discovered such a thing by accident.


uRude t1_j27yexj wrote

Umm lol I think everyone watches the news at the same time and bro, cable TV still exists in many parts of the world you know. Cable is streamed so if 2 people are watching the same channel, chances are the video is synched, although not 100% of the time, but most of the time


PugOnAUnicornThrone t1_j284wrz wrote

I have an old Nintendo NES and about 6 mo the ago I was playing Paperboy and I had the thought that I was probably the only person in the world at that moment playing that game


vinnievonka t1_j2894ps wrote

In an infinite universe with infinite possibilities, yes: someone, somewhere in the Galaxy is doing something at the exact same time as you.


LongBoyNoodle t1_j289k3w wrote

It's your fault. That's how you wrote it. As i grew up me and all my friends did watch the new naruto episode every wednesday for example. Dont act like a brat in those comments. Older people still watch shows on live TV. And even when you talk about streaming services. GoT was watched AS SOON as it was out for years. Im sure that happend.


TrueyBanks t1_j28czrr wrote

Not just live broadcasts but appointment viewing as well. When game of thrones was hot I know everyone was tuning in on Sunday at the same time. People used to do live twitter reactions as they were watching.


ogresound1987 t1_j28d2c8 wrote

You mean.... You wonder if anybody but you has ever watched TV?


adnanclyde t1_j28d9mj wrote

Pretending TV is not a thing... this is just a general case of the Birthday problem. In a 24h day, to get a 50% chance of 2 people watching in sync, you need 350 people for 1s precision, 11000 for 1ms precision.

So a popular youtube channel will have tons of people overlapping to 1ms precision in the first few days.


TastyBleach t1_j28frb6 wrote

This is how my ex snd i got together, casually chatting on tinder, she was abput 5 seconds ahead of me watching hannibal


VonDinky t1_j28kzxz wrote

Can things even be in total sync? Now I feel like researching this. Maybe one day when I'm not so tired and lazy. :D


tone88988 t1_j290hpt wrote

I think about this kind of thing a lot actually. I wonder all the time how many people are doing the exact same thing I am at any given moment. And then I think about if they might be thinking about me doing the same thing they’re doing as well and all of us are worse off for not paying attention to what we’re doing. Bunch of friggin ADHDudes out here.


Sufficient_Ad_4708 t1_j290p6n wrote

I don't have a link to the post but when house of dragons released someone took a video of it playing in sync with multiple apartments in the same building


sconels t1_j295guf wrote

My child, before the internet EVERYONE watched shows at the same time.


mrmayhemsname t1_j29aims wrote

Tell me you've never had a regular TV connection without telling me


jaredliveson t1_j29aq8j wrote

Cable is NOT more available than streaming. Cable requires a home, installation, and a huge bill. Streaming requires an internet enabled device and a relatively small upfront cost. Cable is not more accessible equitable or available


Double-Working1990 OP t1_j29bdpx wrote

Before I get anymore Gen z comments, guys, I had a random curious thought about data, streaming, and analytics. I grew up pre-internet and cell phones. I'm looking for others that may have had that same crazy thought I had... not another 20 people saying "live tv" lol it's oldddd


bambrini16 t1_j29ev9m wrote

Most people have a home (though it’s not actually necessary- i’ll elaborate later) and most already have everything ready to go- just need the telly itself, some of which you can buy extremely cheap second-hand; way cheaper than you could ever get a computer that can cope with streaming for. Obviously there’s the TV licence which is expensive but just don’t pay it like a lot of people don’t and watch freeview. People who have to live in hotels (i.e. council placements) or shelters are much more likely to have access to a TV than a computer. I know lots of people who don’t have a computer/ wifi at home but not a single person that doesn’t have a telly. Obviously I’m speaking from the perspective of a developed country, though. I’m sure things are different in less developed countries and even in other developed countries.


bambrini16 t1_j29fhad wrote

I’n confused by your comment and going by your upvoted it’s obviously my issue so ELIA5: if you exist at a time when you can go on reddit, it’s not possible for you to have lived and died before live broadcast TV was invented, no?


bambrini16 t1_j29fq30 wrote

No, it’s quite clear what they meant. Everyone banging on about live TV (except for those who are obviously joking and teasing) is either being deliberately obtuse, pedantic, or just plain stupid


bambrini16 t1_j29g6re wrote

I mean, that much was obvious from the start. It’s surprising to me how many people in these comments apparently explicitly need the disclaimer that OP was not talking about live TV. I know there are stupid people, but how stupid do they think OP could really be?


Medic1248 t1_j29hdtw wrote

I saw a Facebook clip of an entire apartment building watching the premier of House of the Dragon. You could see all the dark windows changing color at the same time.

So no. I’ve watched big premiers live. I know people are exactly in sync with me in the millions probably 😂


FetusDrive t1_j29ii6v wrote

he meant watch a show, if he meant "stream" then that would be "stream".

it could also be "has anyone ever said the same prayer at the exact same time!?"

"obviously I didn't mean reciting the same prayer in a church!"


bambrini16 t1_j29j6jp wrote

Don’t be ridiculous. Nobody says “I’ve been streaming X programme on Netflix”. You say “I’ve been watching X programme”. It was patently obvious that they meant a totally coincidental synchronisation


yofomojojo t1_j29liw4 wrote

They were referring to the current cord-cutting generation, I assume. Analogue broadcast TV went offline in America years ago so you'd only get TV if you paid for cable or some equivalent service. Plenty of people opted to just stick to streaming services and "cut the cord".


bambrini16 t1_j29ll7n wrote

There you go then haha and to be fair, I suppose if someone’s neurodivergent (e.g. autistic) and struggle with taking things too literally and putting together context and pragmatic factors it would also be reasonable for them not to understand what was meant. I’m not diagnosed as autistic but do have some similar symptoms so I can understand it’s not easy for everyone to understand things that aren’t explicitly said


bambrini16 t1_j29mkd6 wrote

But you never even answered? I’m guessing if you’re using a word like “normie” you’re probably not though and now I’m thinking you took the question as an insult. There’s nothing wrong with being neurodivergent- it’s not an insult


FetusDrive t1_j29o86n wrote

people call other people autistic as an insult. They also ask if the other person is autistic as an insult.

I understand very well what you meant.

You're not understanding that the OP is being called out because he worded his shower thought poorly.


alt52lol t1_j29qapb wrote

>i wonder if anyone has ever been watching the same show at the same time

What the fuck is wrong with zoomers?


bambrini16 t1_j29qeng wrote

Only if they think being autistic is a bad thing, which I don’t because I’m not unintelligent and immature. And I didn’t call you autistic- I politely asked if you were, or otherwise neurodivergent as autism is obviously not the only condition that can cause people to struggle to read between the lines and pick up on context and pragmatic clues, nor do all autistic people struggle with those things

Edit: and to clarify, I asked you so that I could be respectful if you were. If you were then I would understand better why you didn’t get what OP obviously meant to refer to. If you weren’t, then you’re just an idiot that lacks common sense


jensalik t1_j29roc6 wrote

It went offline in Europe too. But we got digital decoders that you pay only once.

Many kids today watch their shows on Netflix and most adults don't bother to get decoders. So many households never actually watch live broadcast anymore. The concept of looking up when a show is gonna be broadcast and tuning in at the right time is absolutely alien to a good portion of today's youth.


gruntbuggly t1_j29srpk wrote

Used to happen all the time before on-demand and streaming services. Still happens, too, with royal weddings and World Cup finals.


East-Yogurtcloset-31 t1_j29uuhj wrote

Man you just wanted to know if people synced up on Netflix and you’re getting totally reamed here🤣

Not all of us are snarky sht talkers🥲 As somebody who doesn’t watch tv very often I hadn’t even thought about live tv, though that seems silly because it’s too obvious.


mufasa329 t1_j29z0mw wrote

Happens with literally any live show, Super Bowl, jeopardy, it’s very very common


gdubh t1_j2a1vya wrote

Most of my life there were millions of people and I doing this.l


Moola868 t1_j2a222u wrote

I’m pretty sure it was obvious to most people that you were referring to streaming, but considering live broadcast television fits exactly what you were describing and was the norm for almost the entire history of television, are you really surprised people are bringing it up?


jaredliveson t1_j2a831c wrote

I mean, those are fine points. But I’ve never lived in a place with free cable, not have I lived anywhere where getting tv was cheaper than basic internet. Also, devices don’t need to be suited for streaming. Pretty much all devices can. I was doing it on a flip phone when I was young. You do need sufficient internet access however.


Double-Working1990 OP t1_j2aabm7 wrote

Honestly, I just thought it was an interesting concept to chat about, but clearly trolls would rather talk about how I don't know what live TV is.... some of you are tripping hard lol. Wowwwwww


Double-Working1990 OP t1_j2ab1n2 wrote

Thank you guys!!! That's so interesting. This was the type of info I was looking for :) everyone else seems to want to make it a Gen z war when I'm not even Gen z lol thanks for actually giving me an answer!


Trey33lee t1_j2andy1 wrote

I just wonder if somebody is thinking the exact same thing I'm thinking at the same time in the shower


Double-Working1990 OP t1_j2arbjx wrote

Hahaha! That's actually an awesome concept. I'm sure it happens... sheer probability. Especially common thoughts like sex, body image, shampoos and soap... but even random shit, it's gotta happen imo. Could be wrong but I'd guess yes over no


bayless210 t1_j2bx39e wrote

I’m talking about how they announce a series and release an entire season at once. People know which day it is and chances are high that more than one person is watching at the exact same time. TV doesn’t count. Of course everyone would watch it at the same time. They have no control of that situation.

Ugh you know what? Don’t post a shower thought and expect every single person to have cable or satellite or whatever the fuck they’re using now. I prefer streaming services and wonder if someone else is watching the same episode or movie at the exact same time as me. Don’t fucking play me for a fool.