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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j1o6pk7 wrote

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David-Diron t1_j1o8yfm wrote

If time is relative, and Santa is magical, then Santa has all the time in the world to deliver the presents.....and that time to him might seem to take weeks and weeks, but to the world all of the presents are delivered in the same split second.

This also explains Calvinism.


tudy1311 t1_j1oed3y wrote

He outsources it to private contractors and parents, you fool.


totalfarkuser t1_j1ovus4 wrote

Heard today that Neil Degrass Tyson calculated that for Santa to successfully deliver to all Christmas celebrating homes he would need to deliver to 25,000 homes per SECOND.


Allin_theBin t1_j1prywg wrote

He's environmentally irresponsible is what he is, a 12ft sledge in this day and age?