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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j1o5y7p wrote

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JimAbaddon t1_j1o645j wrote

I dunno, all the versions I heard growing up had drums in it.


AllHailLordBezos t1_j1o69kd wrote

I will disagree with this, most versions I have heard have snare drums jus as a little drummer boy would


wildadragon t1_j1o7ac7 wrote

For starters the song is about the Drummer Boy in the same way Tenacious D's song Tribute is about the greatest song in the world, but Trobute isn't that song.

Edit: second there's a snare drum


libertyordeaaathh t1_j1opae2 wrote

There are well over 200 recordings of the song. I mean, what percentage do you actually think you have heard?


InterestingStudent22 t1_j1pwsbl wrote

The drums are in the lyrics: ba rum tum tum tum... Properly pronounced, with the r rolled on the tip of the tongue and the t spoken really sharp, it sounds a bit like a snare drum.

Edit: sorry, auto correct to another language...