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wut3va t1_j6l5nc1 wrote

It's minimally social. A few lines of text is no substitute for sharing the five senses with other human beings. In person, you can dance, drink, kiss, laugh, eat, talk, etc. Body language, tone, touch, even smell, are all forms of nonverbal communication that enriches the human experience in ways that you can't even describe if you don't experience it for yourself. Social media is being social, but distilled to its absolute weakest form.


Jedlord t1_j6laekv wrote

So your social interactions aren't true social interactions if you're blind and deaf?


wut3va t1_j6lduyu wrote

I have both a blind friend and a deaf aunt. You have to get creative sometimes to make those relationships work for everyone, but anyone who thinks their experience isn't diminished is fooling themselves. A person who is both blind and deaf is going to have very limited opportunities to make connections with people. It would be worse if we could only see each other online.


Jedlord t1_j6ln7mu wrote

That's fair yeah, there are some drawbacks to online interaction but it doesn't make it not social or any less at all, it's just different tbh, and for some people it's easier to interact online and so for them it's better than in person. And yeah my original point was just that social media IS social.


Jedlord t1_j6lallf wrote

Also social media isn't just a few lines of text you can voice and video call, and stuff you can do online together will only get more advanced overtime


wut3va t1_j6le6sy wrote

Using social media, even video, to maintain relationships is like playing piano with mittens on. You can sorta make it work, but in person is so much richer. Like anything else, humans are capable of getting by with less if they have to.