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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j6p9evk wrote

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ObligatoryOption t1_j6pblvu wrote

It's a damn good thing too because there are eight billion of us and we only live two or three billion seconds.


xwing_n_it t1_j6pefkd wrote

I fear how a psychopath with access to nuclear weapons might solve this problem.


dosta1322 t1_j6peh6t wrote

Probably less than .01% even counting people we just nod at as we walk by.


damp_s t1_j6pi91q wrote

It’s possible, if you lived for a year or two in a 15-20m population city then moved on to a different massive population city in the you’d probably be pushing towards having walked past a few million people after a decade or so

80 million people would have to be a lifetime of it though