Recent comments in /f/Showerthoughts
Ok_Raccoon2337 t1_jeg3gek wrote
Reply to comment by ShyngShyng in ANY surface you can see is technically a reflective surface by greenlaser73
its_alot_ t1_jeg3g5a wrote
Reply to comment by JanQuadrantVincent32 in We have water below us and above us by JanQuadrantVincent32
Is it weird how the salt water becomes fresh water? What do sea levels have to do with it? That reminds me of that saying about all the water on earth now, is how much there always was.. so were you thinking about if sea levels are rising then.. idk 😅
Edit: our atmosphere is wetter than usual???
Apprehensive_Fuel873 t1_jeg3dsw wrote
Reply to comment by xlRadioActivelx in The reason you were born is to be productive & exploited your whole life, as a reward you're sold freedom in years that you wouldn't be a productive worker anyway. by KHUSTOM
>Most people are happy existing.
Why does that make it ok to force people into it with the alternative being suicide? Most people like bread, forcing someone to eat on pain of death is fucking evil.
Look, I get it, you're not able to think abstractly or beyond your immediate experiences, that's fine, it's ok to lack the brain power. But when you have that limitation, it's better to just shut the fuck up and not crop dust the world with your ignorance.
EasyBOven t1_jeg3cj0 wrote
Reply to comment by Otfd in Stories with humanized animals are cute. Stories with animalized humans are terrifying. by NoNo_Cilantro
I'm just asking questions about your morality.
Either of this things should be true:
You have an argument against murder that you would want someone who thinks murder is ok to examine and possibly change their mind, in which case you should be equally open to arguments about treating non-human animals as property
You have no argument against murder because all morality is subjective and if some dude wants to murder someone that's their right and we should all get out of their face about it because maybe they're two seconds away from doubling the number of people they murder just to make up for your lack of murdering
Which would you say is closer to your position?
starion832000 t1_jeg2sr2 wrote
Reply to comment by its_alot_ in We have water below us and above us by JanQuadrantVincent32
Salt will increase the density of the water, increasing the amount of heat or can hold. It's unlikely there's a noticeable difference with just a few liters of water though. You probably noticed it because you noticed it.
Otfd t1_jeg2mj0 wrote
Reply to comment by EasyBOven in Stories with humanized animals are cute. Stories with animalized humans are terrifying. by NoNo_Cilantro
This is the issue with people like you. You want to spend hours running in circles trying to make me equate something I think is minor to something I think is major.
I am two seconds away from doubling my meat intake just to make up for your lack of eating.
JanQuadrantVincent32 OP t1_jeg27uw wrote
Reply to comment by its_alot_ in We have water below us and above us by JanQuadrantVincent32
Yes, I was thinking about the clouds and then sea level + water tables. We have water all around us on this amazing planet. It even floats in the sky above us.
EasyBOven t1_jeg265h wrote
Reply to comment by Otfd in Stories with humanized animals are cute. Stories with animalized humans are terrifying. by NoNo_Cilantro
So you have no argument to those individuals who would murder? It's just, like, your opinion man, that murder is bad?
Otfd t1_jeg20sd wrote
Reply to comment by EasyBOven in Stories with humanized animals are cute. Stories with animalized humans are terrifying. by NoNo_Cilantro
No. It causes something to seem less subjective, but ultimately people exist who murder and think it's fine. They would disagree, but as a whole it's obvious so it feels like fact.
its_alot_ t1_jeg202l wrote
I noticed after adding salt to my meat stock, the water evaporated much quicker. Does that have anything to do with the water below, [ocean] evaporating to become the water above?
MaxJaffa t1_jeg1zmu wrote
Reply to comment by Lost_boy_UK in Sucking dick seems way harder than eating pussy. by Terminal_Chill
Fucking top draw comment. Well done.
ShyngShyng t1_jeg1vte wrote
Theres another physical term for this. It's not reflection. Too stupid to remember myself.
Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jeg1q47 wrote
Reply to Because of how the internet is, there is probavly an image of saul goodman fucking Marin Kitagawa somewhere. by TSMStar
This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.
Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"
(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)
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EasyBOven t1_jeg1mr4 wrote
Reply to comment by Otfd in Stories with humanized animals are cute. Stories with animalized humans are terrifying. by NoNo_Cilantro
Obviousness is inconsistent with subjectivity
EasyBOven t1_jeg1gps wrote
Reply to comment by CirnoIzumi in Stories with humanized animals are cute. Stories with animalized humans are terrifying. by NoNo_Cilantro
Yeah, you're talking psychology, but I think ethics is more important here. Why would it be ok to treat these individuals in ways we would not want to be treated?
[deleted] t1_jeg1fb6 wrote
Otfd t1_jeg18rp wrote
Reply to comment by EasyBOven in Stories with humanized animals are cute. Stories with animalized humans are terrifying. by NoNo_Cilantro
Nope all morality is subjective. BUT some are so obviously that they are accepted as fact such as murder by most of society.
Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jeg17kl wrote
This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.
Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"
(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)
Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.
catbamhel t1_jeg14ad wrote
Reply to comment by Theguywhosme in Hang man is a pretty disturbing kid’s game considering it’s about a man getting executed if your diction isn’t good enough by Looney_forner
I'm a delicate flower tho.
Otfd t1_jeg125l wrote
Reply to comment by marconova7 in Stories with humanized animals are cute. Stories with animalized humans are terrifying. by NoNo_Cilantro
Weird thing to say champ.
Rape = is objective selfish.
Eating is not. Eating meat can be very beneficial.
[deleted] t1_jeg11qn wrote
Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jeg0px2 wrote
This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.
Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"
(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)
Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.
Arnasto OP t1_jeg0lwd wrote
And I don't mean it in a "we learn from instinct", as a lot of comments say there are better ways of breathing to have better performance in sports or for singing or not to get tired as easily. Just had this little thought and found it interesting. I wonder how many people don't even use their noses for breathing.
CirnoIzumi t1_jeg0hch wrote
Reply to comment by EasyBOven in Stories with humanized animals are cute. Stories with animalized humans are terrifying. by NoNo_Cilantro
Because we are imagining us, doing us things, when we watch Fox and the hound we don't see a fox and a hound but class difference/Tribalism
Apprehensive_Fuel873 t1_jeg3tg1 wrote
Reply to comment by xlRadioActivelx in The reason you were born is to be productive & exploited your whole life, as a reward you're sold freedom in years that you wouldn't be a productive worker anyway. by KHUSTOM
"I'm not going to justify them with a response... now here is my response." I suggest getting your own house in order before throwing out accusations.
And when did I say that society must function? If I don't think existing is inherently good, why do you assume I think society existing is inherently good? Frankly, you're just embarrassing yourself by showing just how profoundly myopic and ignorant you are. You cannot process these complex ideas. That's fine. I struggle with quantum physics. But that's why I don't talk about quantum physics. When you're an idiot, you should shut your idiot mouth, not get annoyed at others for pointing out your idiocy.