Recent comments in /f/Showerthoughts
Ctalkobt t1_jeg8wzv wrote
Reply to A lion taking down a wildebeest is an incredible physical feat, and it's done on an empty stomach. by PistachioedVillain
Food prancing around in front of you can be a powerful motivator.
Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jeg8t5b wrote
Reply to A lion taking down a wildebeest is an incredible physical feat, and it's done on an empty stomach. by PistachioedVillain
This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.
Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"
(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)
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LoNwd t1_jeg8pqp wrote
Reply to comment by doggedgage in You tell people to piss off when you're pissed off. by boringsimp
Got my. First golden shower yesterday
[deleted] t1_jeg8l5c wrote
TroyBenites t1_jeg8kr4 wrote
I guess you are saying physical sports... So, not counting E-sports or Chess...
Ok_Raccoon2337 t1_jeg8cib wrote
Reply to comment by ShyngShyng in ANY surface you can see is technically a reflective surface by greenlaser73
Well it is reflection for things which gets thrown back with same angle as incident angle and the post here is referring to it.
ShyngShyng t1_jeg846t wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Raccoon2337 in ANY surface you can see is technically a reflective surface by greenlaser73
Well, I learned that in my German physics class so I assumed itd be the same for the Englishman
Edit: should be called scattering
MulliganNY t1_jeg7qe6 wrote
I've long considered golf to be the safest sport there is. As long as you abide by the rules, don't act like a jackass and make sure everyone in the area is aware that you are about to swing, it should be pretty much the safest sport around and one you can do into your later years.
And then one day I was working at a country club and an older fella got heat stroke, fell down a slope and broke his ankle. If we hadn't been driving around in a golf cart, doing the hourly rounds, he'd have probably died out there.
So.. yeah. Agree.
its_alot_ t1_jeg7eek wrote
Reply to comment by JanQuadrantVincent32 in We have water below us and above us by JanQuadrantVincent32
I had no idea idea what water tables were and now I find out.. well now I click.. that ofc there's water under land! It didn't occur to me. So it's the bit where the groundwater meets the soil?
That means we have water on water below us. The fresh groundwater and the ocean that our land floats on top of. You also don't really think of diving under a country do you. I've gone on a tangent..
Aah yes water above and below 😌
ElPussyKangaroo t1_jeg72aj wrote
Reply to comment by leenk13 in Technically, every house is a homeless shelter by memerboi421
Bruh... Oh my god.
EasyBOven t1_jeg6qz1 wrote
Reply to comment by Otfd in Stories with humanized animals are cute. Stories with animalized humans are terrifying. by NoNo_Cilantro
I'm happy to hear an argument about any moral claims.
How fortunate that in a reality where moral opinions are just random chance and not based on anything real, we find ourselves in a society that matches your morality. There can't possibly be an underlying cause for societies making similar moral decisions
ExpertYolo t1_jeg6kfi wrote
Reply to There really isn't any reason why north is always upward and south is always downward on maps. by GuinnessTheBestBoi
Actually there’s a reason. When you get an erection , it generally goes up. So the North Pole? Think about it
Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jeg61m4 wrote
This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.
Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"
(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)
Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.
[deleted] t1_jeg5wgg wrote
ringobob t1_jeg5uwk wrote
Reply to comment by Eranevore in There really isn't any reason why north is always upward and south is always downward on maps. by GuinnessTheBestBoi
Fair enough, my man, I feel ya.
Otfd t1_jeg5tel wrote
Reply to comment by EasyBOven in Stories with humanized animals are cute. Stories with animalized humans are terrifying. by NoNo_Cilantro
Then you should be equal open to treating your water bottle with the same level of respect. Don't try to argue that it isn't living, because those are my morals.
It doesn't matter dude. We pick what we want. But thankfully, society mostly aligns with what I consider the most morally outrageous such as rape, murder, etc.
ringobob t1_jeg5rtc wrote
Reply to comment by CalEPygous in There really isn't any reason why north is always upward and south is always downward on maps. by GuinnessTheBestBoi
Why does that make it make sense? You could just as easily say the land mass is more dense, so it should be considered the bottom, or considering populations, it makes more sense to consider the landmass as a mountain, and more people live in the valleys than the peaks.
There's not a geographical reason, there's a sociological reason, informed by geography.
its_alot_ t1_jeg5n0l wrote
Reply to comment by starion832000 in We have water below us and above us by JanQuadrantVincent32
That makes sense. I noticed a more intense amount of condensation around compared to before adding the salt. Which prompted me to check the pot. Same temp, but half had disappeared very quickly. Whereas before, it had been boiling away for at least twice as long.
So in relation to the sea levels.. do the icebergs have more salt in them or is there more salt in the atmosphere contributing to the heating.. OR.. none of this nonsense? 😅
ringobob t1_jeg51ij wrote
Reply to comment by Muroid in There really isn't any reason why north is always upward and south is always downward on maps. by GuinnessTheBestBoi
There's a lot of truth to what you're saying, but there's an inherent natural inclination to see up/down as fixed and side/side as variable (seeing as that's where we do and don't have total freedom of movement) and using the (more or less) fixed poles as the fixed point makes a sort of sense that would arise naturally, I think.
jack-of_most-trades t1_jeg4zuz wrote
Reply to comment by Apprehensive_Fuel873 in The reason you were born is to be productive & exploited your whole life, as a reward you're sold freedom in years that you wouldn't be a productive worker anyway. by KHUSTOM
Get help.
You’ve yet to offer even a hint of how you would have things work because you are complaining about things which are fundamental to the human condition and cannot be changed. You think you see things from a sage and complex perspective when really you’re whining about the facts of life that every well adjusted human has already accepted.
No one gives a singular fuck that you didn’t give consent to being born, no one wants to hear you complain about it either so stop wasting oxygen.
I sincerely hope you find a path to happiness but I’m not holding my breath, you are a miserable fuck who is content to wallow in self pity over that which cannot be changed.
RunnyDischarge t1_jeg4u2f wrote
Reply to comment by rainblade1980 in Sucking dick seems way harder than eating pussy. by Terminal_Chill
Exactly, nothing but a glorified handjob
doggedgage t1_jeg4cwm wrote
It's better to be pissed off than pissed on... unless you're into that sorta thing
ringobob t1_jeg47mg wrote
Reply to comment by michalsrb in There really isn't any reason why north is always upward and south is always downward on maps. by GuinnessTheBestBoi
I wonder if it's a personality thing, given a blank piece of paper and your own deduced position, if you would naturally place yourself on the upper half or the lower half.
I think if it was me, I'd probably place myself on the lower half, with the intention of climbing upward to explore, rather than delving lower to explore. Maybe that's because I'm not an explorer, and see possibilities in the sky, and inhospitabilities below.
JanQuadrantVincent32 OP t1_jeg44k2 wrote
Reply to comment by its_alot_ in We have water below us and above us by JanQuadrantVincent32
I was mostly thinking about water tables, I live in an area with water tables everywhere and thought it was funny we had water down low beneath our feet and also floating in clouds overhead. But now that you mention it yes its literally in the very air we breath. We’re literally surrounded by water.
Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jeg94m1 wrote
Reply to It stands to reason that, after doing laundry, at least one pair of socks are the same two that were paired up together when purchased. by RTR_ChrisK
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Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"
(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)
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