Recent comments in /f/Showerthoughts
ttermayhem t1_jegfjdo wrote
Esports are extreme when you are old because you’re more prone to blood clots and stroke from sitting in a chair all day. Yeah, even sitting can kill you.
[deleted] t1_jegfc2r wrote
Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jegf5bs wrote
Reply to Given there are more than 8.5 million animal species, the greatest shit talkers in the world are unlikely human. by [deleted]
This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.
Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"
(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)
Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.
[deleted] t1_jegf5a7 wrote
awfullotofocelots t1_jegewap wrote
Reply to comment by Muroid in There really isn't any reason why north is always upward and south is always downward on maps. by GuinnessTheBestBoi
Obviously it's arbitrary. The fact that it's arbitrary doesn't change the fact that we came to it through our model for the world and our reasoning. Even if that reasoning was based on assumptions that ended up invalid.
Lots of choices society makes are arbitrary. Red and green traffic signals, using commas for pauses and periods for stops, using these particular 26 shapes as an alphabet... but just because we make arbitrary collective choices that could have gone a different way, doesn't mean there wasn't a reason for the choice at the time we made it.
HuangHuaYu49 t1_jegette wrote
Yeah, but that 1% of people end up doing the most amount of damage.
CalEPygous t1_jegenk6 wrote
Reply to comment by ringobob in There really isn't any reason why north is always upward and south is always downward on maps. by GuinnessTheBestBoi
You realize your comments make no sense. That the prime meridian is at zero in Greenwich England is a sociological/historical fact. That north is on top makes sense based upon the geographic fact that most of the landmass of the earth is north of the equator. Therefore the names on the maps would be read (as one reads a book) from top to bottom. These latter two facts have nothing to do with the UK or anything other than geographic facts and common sense.
Muroid t1_jegef9x wrote
Reply to comment by awfullotofocelots in There really isn't any reason why north is always upward and south is always downward on maps. by GuinnessTheBestBoi
Yeah, but the orientation is still arbitrary. There’s nothing natural about associating the poles with up and down or the precession of the sun through the sky as side to side motion.
It’s purely an arbitrary convention that could easily be reversed with no impact on how any of it is observed now or in the past.
[deleted] t1_jegedy6 wrote
Quantum-Connection t1_jegeayf wrote
Even if your bar for being "decent" and "empathetic" means not murdering, raping, or regularly doing other horrible physical or psychological things to another person (which is an incredibly low bar) these percentiles aren't even remotely accurate.
What you really mean is 99% of people treat the people close to them with the bare minimum of decency and empathy and don't actively harm them. Even that probably isn't true. Also that is in a place where being decent is easy.
If you want to know what people are like by default just remember, in Rwanda the Hutus killed 800,000 Tutsis with machetes in 100 days, probably hundreds of thousands of people participated in genocide directly because some men on the radio told them to. That was 30 years ago. Or remember everyone in Germany played stupid when the Russians and Americans found the camps, they all knew. That was only like 80 years ago.
[deleted] t1_jege26x wrote
DifficultyPotato t1_jegdyna wrote
Reply to comment by Muted_Load_8318 in Sucking dick seems way harder than eating pussy. by Terminal_Chill
It's not specifically whiskey. It refers to when you are way too drunk and can't get it up or keep it- or just in general have erectile dysfunction stemming from alcohol overuse recently/in the past.
[deleted] t1_jegdvdz wrote
Reply to 90s kids aren’t kids anymore by The95thZebra
MathematicianBulky40 t1_jegdup0 wrote
Reply to comment by JustSomeApparition in 99% of humans are decent and empathetic, don't sweat the 1% by itkplatypus
Yeah, it's definitely more than 1%, though.
MathematicianBulky40 t1_jegdqqi wrote
I thought this said 99% of humans don't sweat and got really confused.
[deleted] t1_jegdl8i wrote
awfullotofocelots t1_jegdl1w wrote
Reply to comment by Muroid in There really isn't any reason why north is always upward and south is always downward on maps. by GuinnessTheBestBoi
I'm not assuming anything: I have a modern understanding of the Earths relationship to the sun. Past humans collectively did assume based on their observations and measurements of the sun (see ancient structures marking the solstice or equinox), but it would be ignorant to discount that those early assumptions led to the modern conventions we use.
[deleted] t1_jegdkib wrote
Reply to 90s kids aren’t kids anymore by The95thZebra
MyWifeDontKnowItsMe t1_jegdiu5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in With age, every sport becomes an extreme sport by kattmaskinen
I like e-sports and I also like golf, but e-sports are absolutely not more physical than golf.
JustSomeApparition t1_jegdgpv wrote
I know you're going to get a lot of hate for this post because people are going to disagree with your percentiles; thereby, losing what the post really means in the process... So before that happened I just wanted to say that I very much agree with what is meant by this post and like the post.
[deleted] t1_jegde0p wrote
[deleted] t1_jegd525 wrote
Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jegd4z3 wrote
This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.
Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"
(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)
Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.
Affectionate_Draw_43 t1_jegd27g wrote
Reply to A lion taking down a wildebeest is an incredible physical feat, and it's done on an empty stomach. by PistachioedVillain
Some competitive runners don't eat (for a long time) before races as anything in their stomach is extra weight
oblongdon t1_jegfmsq wrote
Reply to Given there are more than 8.5 million animal species, the greatest shit talkers in the world are unlikely human. by [deleted]
Huh? Even if they could communicate with use based off most animals behavior do you think they’d talk shit?
Bears are usually timid unless with their cubs
Moose just hate humans and attack
Hippos hate humans and just attack
At most I feel most would just say “FOOD!”