Recent comments in /f/Showerthoughts

TaliesinMerlin t1_jegu2q4 wrote

It literally doesn't. People can freely reproduce near copies of Monopoly. (Long story why.) As long as the games don't use the actual visual assets or the exact written rules, I think they're okay. Hence we have many souvenir versions of Monopoly.


Cindexxx t1_jegt075 wrote

Not really. It takes me maybe a minute to get laundry thrown in and started. Maybe a minute to switch to dryer, clean the lint and toss it, then start the dryer. My bedroom is literally attached to the laundry room/bathroom. I don't sort my clothes in any fashion. Laundry is about 3 minutes.

Separating the socks would absolutely double my time doing laundry at minimum.


Halsti t1_jegsvsy wrote

well.. ish. You cannot copyright rules of a game. the name "Monopoly" is trademarked, just like the monopoly man, so no one can make a game called monopoly. so in that way, you are right.

but anyone could make a game that works 100% exactly the same as monopoly. you have to make sure you dont break copyright on anything. so they would have to name it something else, give all the spaces different names, design a new board and write their own version of the rule book, that describes the rules exactly the same, BUT you could make the exact same game, with a different name.


EasyBOven t1_jegstdh wrote

This is just an assertion. We don't have to get into the weeds on meta-ethics, but if you want to assert that it's ok to treat an individual as property because "subjective, tho," you're either going to need to concede that you would have to allow people to murder and/or demonstrate subjectivism.

But if you want to circumvent all that nonsense, I'm perfectly willing to have a conversation with you about your moral perspective and see if it can be applied consistently


RawToast1989 t1_jegsqmt wrote

Are you crazy? Or just deluded to your own activity level? I mean, Golf involves the actual, physical movement of your body through space. E-sports involves your wrist/ fingers and eyes moving enough to cover a screen lol. I'm not saying that e-sports don't involve good coordination, timing, problem solving, etc. But to suggest there's More physical activity in them than Golf is a wild, and factually incorrect take on the situation.