Recent comments in /f/Showerthoughts

TheNewBBS t1_jegwupr wrote

It is actually a physiological thing that bloodflow is minimized to the penis during non-sexual physical exertion (muscles take priority), shrinking it. The testicles ascend a little as well, presumably to decrease the risk of trauma.

It's also possible (though not common) for testicles to ascend into the abdomen in response to intense stimulus. They usually come down on their own, but sometimes a urologist has to help them along.

But I'm also not quite sure what the OP means by their penis "sinking into them."


DiscombobulatedSink6 t1_jegw276 wrote

Lol I can't believe people upvoted that shit. Besides the fact that you actually have to use your lower body in any capacity to play golf, it also requires significantly more forceful upper body movement. I've had a sore back/hands from golf (I'm sure elbow and shoulder injuries are common as well), never experienced soreness from playing csgo.