Recent comments in /f/Showerthoughts
wmzyboy t1_jegyps1 wrote
Reply to A lion taking down a wildebeest is an incredible physical feat, and it's done on an empty stomach. by PistachioedVillain
The lions don’t want to throw up from over exerting on a full stomach
[deleted] OP t1_jegynt0 wrote
GuinnessTheBestBoi OP t1_jegyncg wrote
Reply to comment by ExpertYolo in There really isn't any reason why north is always upward and south is always downward on maps. by GuinnessTheBestBoi
I mean... I don't have any evidence to the contrary
FlipflopsAreNotShoes t1_jegyn6x wrote
I would definitely medal in Extreme Bending Down To Pick Up Some Trash
[deleted] OP t1_jegymuy wrote
Jump_Like_A_Willys t1_jegylm4 wrote
There was no year zero.
And there really wasn’t a year 1 AD through about year 524 AD that people living at those times kept track of. Those years were numbered after the fact by Dionysius in 525 AD. People living at during those times before that used various other ways of counting years (if they did at all), such as Roman emperor reigns.
So nobody living in, say, what we now call 300 AD would have ever said “the year right now is 300 AD.”
I_Gave_Up_Awhile_Ago t1_jegykwl wrote
Reply to comment by popisms in The year 0 is the only year to be not be AD or BC by Scrambled_59
It stands for After Death. It is talking about after the death of Jesus
Splice1138 t1_jegyiqx wrote
Reply to comment by brandonade in Monopoly has a monopoly on Monopoly. by [deleted]
You can find plenty of knock off *-opoly games on store shelves. You can even order a custom one
mrrudy2shoes t1_jegygk8 wrote
Reply to comment by PNWRockhound in The year 0 is the only year to be not be AD or BC by Scrambled_59
Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jegyetv wrote
Reply to As people switch to electrical vehicles because gas prices are too high, the demand for gas will go down thus making it cheaper by [deleted]
This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.
Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"
(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)
Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.
GoldenFrank t1_jegyd8m wrote
Reply to comment by tallerthnu in Monopoly has a monopoly on Monopoly. by [deleted]
Several of the key copyright-able aspects of the game have had those copyrights expired and the main mechanics are now in the public domain which is why you saw an explosion of "(noun)-opoly" clones hit the market all at the same time. Hasbro owns "Monopoly" and "Rich Uncle Pennybags" but no longer a square board with 11 spaces per side with properties for sale where players can charge rent once they purchase.
The_nemea t1_jegy7vc wrote
Reply to The poorest rich people fly in first class while the richest rich people fly in private jets by CK_HAMAD48
There is a time/cost formula for when it's worth flying private vs not
JauntyTurtle t1_jegy64a wrote
Reply to The poorest rich people fly in first class while the richest rich people fly in private jets by CK_HAMAD48
Yes, there is a big difference between "rich" and "extremely rich."
Amehvafan t1_jegxzwy wrote
Reply to comment by Budget-Chair8242 in Wonder what pornhubs most searched is pornstar is going to be over the next month. by Ok-Disk-2191
My shower doesn't have a bed. I never wank in the shower either.
[deleted] t1_jegxzpo wrote
[deleted] t1_jegxzi5 wrote
Reply to A dorito chip is worth more than a penny by eaglessoar
[deleted] t1_jegxzge wrote
Mister_E_Mahn t1_jegxru4 wrote
Reply to A dorito chip is worth more than a penny by eaglessoar
I bought ice cubes recently, 3 for 10 bucks. I didn’t count the cubes but feel like there’s less that 300 in a bag? You don’t get much for a penny.
PNWRockhound t1_jegxqct wrote
Reply to comment by popisms in The year 0 is the only year to be not be AD or BC by Scrambled_59
Oh, I learned something new. I was told by my mother that it was After Death. It's actually Anno Domini, which means after his birth. Well all be damned. Lol
[deleted] t1_jegxew5 wrote
Reply to comment by popisms in The year 0 is the only year to be not be AD or BC by Scrambled_59
popisms t1_jegxcdu wrote
Reply to comment by PNWRockhound in The year 0 is the only year to be not be AD or BC by Scrambled_59
A.D. doesn't stand for After Christ.
blazedrow t1_jegx8px wrote
Reply to comment by TheNewBBS in Women will never experience the feeling of their pp sinking into them while doing hard workouts or tough cardio by [deleted]
Yea I knew about the testicles. It the penis shrinking inside them sounds like a problem.
DeathToBoredom t1_jegx0oe wrote
Reply to comment by TroyBenites in With age, every sport becomes an extreme sport by kattmaskinen
No, e-sports are much more intense. Pros play every single day for 8-16 hours. Idk about chess, but in competitive games, they don't fake anything. Everybody wants to win and to win they have to train that much. Before, their habits were very unhealthy. They don't eat healthy and they barely sleep. They obviously never exercised. But now they're getting some maintenance. They're required to exercise but afaik the meals and sleep schedule are still their own to maintain, which is obviously still very unhealthy.
As well, carpal tunnel and other hand and arm problems are very common. And these are reported conditions. Some most likely have hemorrhoids from sitting that long on the chair every single day(and eating unhealthy).
Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jegwxok wrote
Reply to The poorest rich people fly in first class while the richest rich people fly in private jets by CK_HAMAD48
This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.
Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"
(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)
Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.
Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jegysdv wrote
Reply to Computing storage devices weigh the same when both empty and full. by Amasterclass
This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.
Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"
(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)
Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.