Recent comments in /f/Showerthoughts

Jump_Like_A_Willys t1_jegylm4 wrote

There was no year zero.

And there really wasn’t a year 1 AD through about year 524 AD that people living at those times kept track of. Those years were numbered after the fact by Dionysius in 525 AD. People living at during those times before that used various other ways of counting years (if they did at all), such as Roman emperor reigns.

So nobody living in, say, what we now call 300 AD would have ever said “the year right now is 300 AD.”


GoldenFrank t1_jegyd8m wrote

Several of the key copyright-able aspects of the game have had those copyrights expired and the main mechanics are now in the public domain which is why you saw an explosion of "(noun)-opoly" clones hit the market all at the same time. Hasbro owns "Monopoly" and "Rich Uncle Pennybags" but no longer a square board with 11 spaces per side with properties for sale where players can charge rent once they purchase.


DeathToBoredom t1_jegx0oe wrote

No, e-sports are much more intense. Pros play every single day for 8-16 hours. Idk about chess, but in competitive games, they don't fake anything. Everybody wants to win and to win they have to train that much. Before, their habits were very unhealthy. They don't eat healthy and they barely sleep. They obviously never exercised. But now they're getting some maintenance. They're required to exercise but afaik the meals and sleep schedule are still their own to maintain, which is obviously still very unhealthy.

As well, carpal tunnel and other hand and arm problems are very common. And these are reported conditions. Some most likely have hemorrhoids from sitting that long on the chair every single day(and eating unhealthy).