Recent comments in /f/Showerthoughts
GenderfreeNameHere t1_jeh16h4 wrote
Grezzinate t1_jeh14ny wrote
I’m 34 and climbing stairs sometimes feels like and extreme sport.
[deleted] OP t1_jeh0ldz wrote
I_Gave_Up_Awhile_Ago t1_jeh0icf wrote
Reply to comment by popisms in The year 0 is the only year to be not be AD or BC by Scrambled_59
Interesting. Thank you for this knowledge
popisms t1_jeh0ckw wrote
coredenale t1_jeh0c1k wrote
Reply to comment by Breezyisthewind in With age, every sport becomes an extreme sport by kattmaskinen
Fuckin' ' ell.
I_Gave_Up_Awhile_Ago t1_jeh07i2 wrote
Reply to comment by popisms in The year 0 is the only year to be not be AD or BC by Scrambled_59
It doesn’t?
coredenale t1_jeh06ca wrote
Ya, sometimes even just walking down the stairs. Ya get to the bottom and wipe sweat of yer brow like, "whew! That was a close one!" And then think wtf?
cavegoatlove t1_jeh067p wrote
Reply to The poorest rich people fly in first class while the richest rich people fly in private jets by CK_HAMAD48
Nah, poor rich still might have pets they don’t want flying under a plane
[deleted] OP t1_jeh066k wrote
popisms t1_jeh05ry wrote
Reply to comment by I_Gave_Up_Awhile_Ago in The year 0 is the only year to be not be AD or BC by Scrambled_59
Except it doesn't stand for that either.
[deleted] t1_jegzyyj wrote
Papa_Huggies t1_jegztmu wrote
Reply to comment by DiscombobulatedSink6 in With age, every sport becomes an extreme sport by kattmaskinen
Jesus some people out here actually saying chess and esports are physically demanding...
At a competitive level, sure. Anything is demanding. Investment Banking is physically demanding in that sense. But you will burn calories playing golf casually, and won't burn shit playing videogames.
Fuck man 250lb people trying to justify their fat-ass lifestyle saying esports is a physically demanding sport is enough Reddit for today. /u/danhoang1 go for a walk and eat a salad
[deleted] t1_jegznvc wrote
Reply to comment by TroyBenites in With age, every sport becomes an extreme sport by kattmaskinen
wildwestington t1_jegzm4c wrote
Reply to comment by MyWifeDontKnowItsMe in With age, every sport becomes an extreme sport by kattmaskinen
Lmao thanks for calling this out so I dint have to.
Esports are cool but cmon man how could they possible be more physical than doing a physical activity
Philosopheius t1_jegzkp5 wrote
I feel so horrible for laughing.
The image that flashed through my head was of some frail old dudes rocketing down a bobsled track.
VelvetfromRWBYiscute t1_jegzk8b wrote
Reply to comment by KitteNlx in Women will never experience the feeling of their pp sinking into them while doing hard workouts or tough cardio by [deleted]
He could do that shit on command? Interesting I guess.
YeeeeeeeeAllg t1_jegzjuf wrote
tell people only when you are pissed for a justifiable reasons. My bro legit gets mad for everything... so I stopped going out to have dinner with this guy
[deleted] t1_jegzjte wrote
Reply to comment by ttermayhem in With age, every sport becomes an extreme sport by kattmaskinen
KitteNlx t1_jegzgo9 wrote
Reply to Women will never experience the feeling of their pp sinking into them while doing hard workouts or tough cardio by [deleted]
This thread just unlocked a surpressed memory of the time my cousin figured out he could invert his penis and just had to show me for some reason. Cringe.
[deleted] t1_jegzclq wrote
[deleted] t1_jegz88r wrote
Reply to comment by MulliganNY in With age, every sport becomes an extreme sport by kattmaskinen
EndlesslyUnfinished t1_jegz7cz wrote
Reply to A lion taking down a wildebeest is an incredible physical feat, and it's done on an empty stomach. by PistachioedVillain
You’ve clearly never seen people train at the gym while on a cut. Lol
[deleted] t1_jegyz66 wrote
[deleted] t1_jeh1akm wrote
Reply to Computing storage devices weigh the same when both empty and full. by Amasterclass