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ruthless_apricot t1_jbjorje wrote

Pedestrianizing the bottom part of Bedford Street (i.e. McDonalds to Tigin) would be awesome. Tricky to do in practice I know but that’s what town planners are for! Maybe make it timed access with rising bollards. Would be awesome for farmers markets and outdoor dining in the summer. Incredibly common in Europe and they make it work so we can definitely do it too.


colenotphil t1_jbk713d wrote

Not sure this would work given how much Uber/Lyft/can activity there is on most nights. Also Summer street is one way. There are few options to drive north there.


ruthless_apricot t1_jbkdv6i wrote

If I were a town planner (I'm not) I would bollard off lower Bedford St and send the Northbound traffic up Greyrock Pl, left onto Forest St and then right up Bedford from there. I'd also make the section of Bedford between Spring St and Forest St two-way so people could access Spring St from Forest St.

I would then turn the parking area outside Lucky's into a Lyft/Uber pick up point and get some CCTV cameras going to enforce strict no parking there.