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halfwayhipster2 t1_ixael3b wrote

Best I can do is a dunkin that a bunch of homeless people hang out at


awesometotallydude t1_ixayf32 wrote

Boycott Starbucks! Their workers are being treated like shit across the country by union-busting management; hence the national strikes. Support small business by drinking local!


CatsNSquirrels t1_ixb9205 wrote

I legitimately don’t understand the devotion to Starbucks. So many better options out there for coffee/lattes/chai.


stalematehypothesis OP t1_ixbcthe wrote

Here’s the deal. Honey Joe’s, Lorca, Winfield are all great, but they close early and have clunky/non-existent ordering apps. Your average Starbucks makes a cup off coffee just as good as any of them (fight me), is fast, has an easy ordering app, and stays open till 9. There are plenty of good reasons to shop local vs. big chain, but don’t pretend to not understand why people like Starbucks.


jennner1026 t1_ixcaavm wrote

Fair point. By the way, just moved to town and went to honey joes quickly once. I was so confused by the concept? Is it a day care too? What is the business model? So many kids in there I don’t think I’d return. I want peace and as much quiet as possible when I sit in a coffee shop.


JennyandtheEssDog t1_ixczzy7 wrote

It’s like I get it the kitchen and coffee making zone are two separate areas, but when you ask the baristas about the sandwich part of the order they act like you just started speaking a different language to them. As if they’re not even aware you can get a sandwich there.


pizzainquiry t1_ixddyqy wrote

I think consistency over quality is what average people like about it. Your latte is the same here, on a work trip in Chicago, on vacation Florida, /etc

I personally try to go to different coffee shops every day when I'm traveling but it can be a real crap shoot or a lot of preemptive googling and hoping for the best


ruthless_apricot t1_ixdvfmv wrote

Starbucks in Target isn't too far and I usually need to go to Target for stuff anyway. Bonus points if you climb the stairs to burn some extra calories before your coffee!