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ChairsAreForBears t1_j2kk2z0 wrote

Reply to comment by ChairsAreForBears in Stamford Schools by Marshforce

Re: "suburban schools" meaning more rich white kids.


AAAPosts t1_j2kpoxs wrote

Greenwich is CRAZY diverse- it’s definitely more rich but Tech ($$) brings in a lot of diversity


PikaChooChee t1_j2kxu0q wrote

Greenwich has a surprising number of poor migrant families, too. Their public schools are semi-diverse because so many white children from wealthy families go to private school.


NoraClavicle t1_j2qd6bs wrote

You’re kidding, right? Greenwich schools are well under the CT state average for poor kids and minority kids. They like to point out how diverse they are, but you’re mostly going to school with other rich kids. If that’s diversity to you, have at it.


AAAPosts t1_j2rbnx8 wrote

Diversity of race/ethnicity not pocket book


NoraClavicle t1_j2s16d7 wrote

As I said, not much of that either. Way below the state average in race/ethnicity diversity. Some Greenwich elementary schools have no Black students at all.


MightyMason t1_j2ldjja wrote

Go up north and Trumbull has a very well rated school system and is diverse income wise. A lot of parents that work for the stamford public school system at that government center *live and send their kids to Trumbull schools.


PikaChooChee t1_j2n1fr3 wrote

Choosing Trumbull is an economic decision, IMHO, for anyone who works in Stamford or NYC . It’s an ok town and your money goes far, but that commute will kill you.


urbanevol t1_j2skqnw wrote

Agreed. Stamford has problems recruiting teachers because it is expensive to live here. Some teachers commute from towns like Danbury, Bethel, or Trumbull, but many ultimately end up taking jobs closer to where they can afford to live.