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Shortchange96 t1_j36zfov wrote

Although I agree with you he should’ve been arrested on site for DD at least and several other things, he would’ve bailed out the next day. The accident analysis took awhile and they wanted to make sure their ducks were in a row before going ahead with charges that will stick


urbanevol t1_j36zwhz wrote

That would be fine for him to post bail, but to not get arrested? Reeks of class / race privilege. If he had to go to a bail hearing, then they could have placed restrictions: e.g. no driving, no fucking around out of state, etc.

OTOH, the article says it is not clear if he was allowed to be out of state, so maybe we don't know all of the details.


Shortchange96 t1_j376qqz wrote

I agree. I have no idea why he wasn’t arrested the night of the accident. Fleeing the scene of a not only an accident, but one where two people died. I’m sure they could tell/administered a field sobriety test to know he was drunk. Class/race privilege or bad police work, something wasn’t right there. Glad it looks like they have him dead to rights though