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PTEHarambe t1_j72n6x3 wrote

It's almost as if these massive corporations don't give a fuck about anything except taking your money


AndringRasew t1_j731i0o wrote

How strange! I thought they were supposed to be the moral paragons of our age. No... No... It's the kids that are wrong.


SoloPenguin13 t1_j733nyc wrote

Which is why it makes negative amounts of sense to suddenly remove the reason people give you money. Then for months as the internet tell you over and over that they will fuck off, you wait till right before the official change to be like. "I was just goofin. We do a little trolling. Lets just pretend this never happened ay?"


PTEHarambe t1_j739pmj wrote

Then when they get repeatedly called out for the lies they say "but we changed cause we cared about you"

Then why did you lie?

(Surprised Pikachu face)


3AD_EhSeaPee t1_j73b1ww wrote

Except they don't anymore, they also care about their ESG score. That's likely why we've seen companies acting strangely lately, especially in the entertainment/Hollywood sphere.