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NoiseyCat t1_j73azys wrote

I mean, you can call it anti-consumer. You can call it greedy. You can call it malicious. You can call it hypocritical. But it isn't stupid, they know exactly what they're doing and they know they'll lose subscribers, but they'll also know they will make more money from the additional user add-on than without it.


hosiki t1_j73dkot wrote

I'm pretty sure they'll actually lose money. All my friends unsubscribed. Amazon prime and HBO together are less expensive than Netflix anyway.


happygolucky999 t1_j74q3mz wrote

Yup. I’m a long long time Netflix customer and I will absolutely cancel my account over this bullshit.


NoiseyCat t1_j73mid9 wrote

This is anecdotal and a small sample size. The company knew they were going to lose some subscribers but the people who are most affected were the one's already not paying.


GameRoom t1_j757y6z wrote

Yeah, not to defend them, but you'd think, what are the people who are affected by this going to do? Unsubscribe? They already weren't subscribed! For better or worse, if you're not a paying customer, Netflix doesn't really have a reason to care about you.


MizElaneous t1_j75ev6e wrote

They think people like me who share a password with a friend or family member will sign up once we’re blocked. Can’t speak for others in my position but I won’t. I don’t watch it enough to justify a subscription.


GameRoom t1_j78l6ui wrote

I feel similarly personally, but if just 5% of people in that situation pony up and subscribe, it's worth it for Netflix.


trekie4747 t1_j758wse wrote

but it does impact their viewership statistics. While not a direct monetary impact it can have ripple effects to shows being cancelled because of lower views which leads to people cancelling because of less new interesting content.


MildlyMotivated t1_j73dpo4 wrote

Apparently not considering they just scraped those plans for now.


NoiseyCat t1_j73l80m wrote

They did not scrap any plans, they just removed the post that outlines what the change was going to be.