davster39 OP t1_j7nj174 wrote
This is my first post on this sub, and I have to say, I am Flabbergasted by the negative blowback received. As a long time musician and curio collector I was excited to see that this company was still surviving 100 years after the invention of the washing machine. It encouraged me that a small company, against all odds is still ioperation and thriving. It made me happy. I'm sorry it didn't make everyone here happy. It is a bright moment agaisnt all the tech company firings
TheRumster t1_j7qe2ft wrote
welcome to reddit; it's depressing
Terminator7786 t1_j7nym4s wrote
Fuck em, but just for the future a more appropriate sub for something like this would be r/mademesmile
davster39 OP t1_j7q66ae wrote
Ok thanks.
YoungHeartOldSoul t1_j7syhcr wrote
Sorry to tell you, but it's actually r/orphancrushingmachine season.
Historical_Wash_1114 t1_j80qn6n wrote
Reddit can be dumb sometimes I liked your post!
davster39 OP t1_j84rhyz wrote
Thank you!
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