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IAintGotNoCandy4You t1_j7qxvem wrote


mainguy t1_j7sbjqs wrote

as a physicist/science teacher, I gotta say it was entirely science that got us into this mess lol. The carnot cycle was the beginning of the end for a stable climate.

I love science but lets not point the finger at imaginary culprits when the real one is right here


Sgt-Butter t1_j7ryhkp wrote

the well known verse, Mining 4:17 “Thou shall strike thy earth.”


Koda_20 t1_j7rwrln wrote

Uh how is it not science that got us into this mess?


RectalSpawn t1_j7rz84p wrote

Science both gets us in and out of things, so you're both correct.


Dorocche t1_j7rika8 wrote

I am 100% sure the Bible says to take care of the Earth; I don't think it says to open as many coal Mines as possible. Neoliberals got us into this mess.


phatelectribe t1_j7rl0ax wrote

Just when you think there’s a dumb comment, someone turns up in a car that looks like a dog head.


Snoopdigglet t1_j7r0nqn wrote

You must be fun at parties...


IAintGotNoCandy4You t1_j7r4s5v wrote

Real original comment. Too bad it doesnt make sense in this context. Stop parroting other peoples comments and think for yourself