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adam_demamps_wingman t1_j7v08ni wrote

He banned Muslims entering the country. He separated children we are just now reuniting with their families. Obama had implemented a military employment plan that was tied to citizenship apparently. Trump tried to wash people out then deport them if I understood properly.


Combatical t1_j7v32zp wrote

Ahh I see. I couldn't find anything on what the gentleman in the article was originally charged for. Most articles just say the charges were "irrelevant".

Personally I think its important information. I served 10 years with a ton of great guys. A majority of us were people of color and non native born citizens thats important too. A bunch of us were great guys and a bunch of us I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw them. But you cant just use a solider and throw them away when you're done.. Oh wait, thats exactly what they do even to native born veterans.


sharksnut t1_j87pyra wrote

>Trump tried to wash people out then deport them if I understood properly.

You did not. Read the article. This program existed under Bush 43, the deportations were done during Obama/Biden.