cthulhuscradle t1_j7wep28 wrote
I gotta say "hey we saved this dog from the earthquake that's killed a bunch of people" isn't that uplifting......
Insighteternal t1_j7wvdaq wrote
Some tragic moments can’t be avoided, but it’s also important to highlight the good moments when they come along, however small.
cthulhuscradle t1_j7wx32t wrote
Yeah but it feels tone deaf Like I know this is the "dOgS are SoOoO muCh bEtTer tHaN HumAns" site but thousands of people died. A dog being saved isn't uplifting and sometimes highlight the """good moments""" is not only not actually that important but insulting to the victims of a tragedy.
Insighteternal t1_j7wxgri wrote
You assume that it’s that kind of post? Where does it say anywhere that “dogs are better than humans?” You’re just bringing your own assumptions to this thread and treating it as fact.
cthulhuscradle t1_j7wxmtp wrote
I never said it was that kind of post???? I was talking about reddit lol. You're accusing me of making assumptions because you didn't read my comment?
Insighteternal t1_j7wya4p wrote
I see that you’re very reactionary and convincing you of my point will do little good. Hope you had fun me giving you attention! I got better things to do today and won’t be commenting further.
cthulhuscradle t1_j7wys4p wrote
Fellas is it reactionary to tell someone they misread your comment🤔
AugustWolf22 t1_j7xie5b wrote
A life saved is a life saved human or otherwise. Also , the rescue of that dog will bring some joy and stability to the lives of his/her family in this terrible time.
Yes it's tragic that so many have died, but it's uplifting because a life was saved from that fate.
polloloco81 t1_j7yasw2 wrote
You must be a lot of fun at parties.
Arrantsky t1_j7ynngs wrote
This is wonderful. Dogs are amazing.
cybercuzco t1_j7z25pz wrote
Yeah but his whole family is probably dead so….
UltraRanger72 OP t1_j7z4uo5 wrote
Watch the news video, his hooman survived and is in the hospital. They might have been reunited already.
Cohibaluxe t1_j7z6cdb wrote
Gremlin-Overlord t1_j7zc9od wrote
Oh yay! I was hoping the good boy would be able to go back to his family.
[deleted] t1_j7zoqdz wrote
Tensor3 t1_j7zy2dj wrote
citytiger t1_j8023vj wrote
What a wonderful news. A true miracle dog.
citytiger t1_j802ccv wrote
No one said that. Any life saved is uplifting. Even the average person not on Reddit would find this uplifting. I don't see what your problem is with this story.
UltraRanger72 OP t1_j80dnfh wrote
Pardon my French
linderlouwho t1_j812dyz wrote
Was unable to see any of that in the cancer site, Inside Edition.
Harsimaja t1_j816g46 wrote
Would agree if it were like other posts here where the context of bad news is new too, so the overall message of the article is tragic.
But in this case the whole world is already aware of the massive tragedy in Turkey and Syria. That’s presumed context, not what this article is adding to most people, just the rescue of the dog. Which is uplifting.
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