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TheAmazingDuckOfDoom t1_j857t6x wrote

People get married fast so they could move their loved ones to other countries easier. Love is not the primary incentive here. It's same in Russia, people want to leave the country for work and bring their partner with them.


BradMarchandsNose t1_j85a1vg wrote

Also a lot of men going off to war. There’s both the “why wait” aspect because they could die at any day, and probably some military benefits that are paid out to spouses


Bedrel t1_j8589ph wrote

I mean, that and also, living with the possibility of dying at any day makes you slightly more likely to want to “experience everything” before you die


Marokiii t1_j862a0w wrote

Also if you are a soldier and get killed your wife/husbandgets death benefits. If she is just your gf/bf then they get nothing.