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FightOnForUsc t1_j9yo7l2 wrote

And also the easiest by far…


SilverNicktail t1_ja0j9sn wrote

Because they should have started with the hardest part and gotten more bogged down?


FightOnForUsc t1_ja0jqf6 wrote

Well there’s already a train from Merced to Bakersfield (I’ve ridden it). There’s no train from Bakersfield to LA and none from Merced to SF or SJ. Either of those parts would be vastly more useful for people. Imagine being able to live in a cheap area and commuting to an area with some of the highest salaries in the country. Also LA and the Bay Area have some public transportation, Merced and Bakersfield have almost none. It will have lower ridership than either other route might have. I don’t see who is going to use going from Merced to Bakersfield on the regular


SilverNicktail t1_ja0zur4 wrote

> Either of those parts would be vastly more useful for people.

....Which is why they're building those too?


FightOnForUsc t1_ja182h2 wrote

So they wanted to build the part that won’t get used on its own before building the parts that might get used on their own? Seems like an excuse to keep going with construction (sunk cost)