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zedemer t1_jaww86v wrote

But they still did the time, right? So it seems like a slippery slope to avoid giving people their due. Not to mention sometimes charges are stacked up to incentivize people to plea down to a lesser charge even if they couldn't convict


diskdinomite t1_jax0i54 wrote

I think there are serious problems with this, especially with due process. But this is the reason I can see them doing it.


joleme t1_jay6026 wrote

> Not to mention sometimes charges are stacked up to incentivize people to plea down to a lesser charge even if they couldn't convict

You mean nearly all the time. The cops will even lie before they even charge you with something. They'll tell you you'll be charged with 10+ things and say really nicely "but we'll just charge you for this 1 thing if you plead guilty".



diskdinomite t1_jaz70j3 wrote

Cops don't handle pleas though. That's the DA. You can't "plea guilty" to a cop. You can admit guilt, and it can come up in court, but that's not a plea.


itsthevoiceman t1_jazczpd wrote

They don't handle pleas, but they sure as hell are friends with sweet sweet pillow talk. The whole justice system is in bed with each other, and it's corrupt as hell.


xandercade t1_jazw98d wrote

No they lay out a bunch of charges and say you make this easy on everyone and sign this paper saying you did this and that and we'll only charge you with 2 things instead of 10. It's basically the same damn thing.


joleme t1_jb13d6r wrote

Exactly. And many people can only get a public defender who is most likely super overworked and doesn't care enough to sort through all their bs.