[deleted] t1_jax3j1v wrote
Suspicious_Diver4234 t1_jax5lz5 wrote
Awe, pretty cool.
mykidsarecrazy t1_jax5znp wrote
"Keanumycins" sounds too cute to be deadly to virus.
Masta_Harashibu t1_jaxcs2q wrote
What does Keanu have against fungi?
CatrionaShadowleaf t1_jaxdslq wrote
Someone will need to explain this joke to my friend and me.
JGCities t1_jaxf4r7 wrote
" they were so impressed they’ve named the chemicals after actor Keanu Reeves, a nod to how he eliminates villains in movies such as “John Wick” and “The Matrix.”"
responditorationis t1_jaxfg0j wrote
It's because the characters he plays tend to be so deadly.
drewbrewski t1_jaxj067 wrote
That fungi killed his dog, dammit have a little compassion!
azad_ninja t1_jaxjkr1 wrote
What a fun guy to name it after.
ragnarockdan t1_jaxlble wrote
Okay - JohnClaudeVanDammycins and JasonStrathumycins need their time in the sun too.
Masta_Harashibu t1_jay1103 wrote
Man the John Wick reference went right over my head
Hershieboy t1_jay1h15 wrote
Sounds like a confirmation he's in "the last of us, Part 3".
jerflash t1_jay22sh wrote
I guess that is better than the alternative, Anti The Last Of Us Atloumycins but I guess that works too
rcknrll t1_jay35rp wrote
They should use it on that whiskey black mold at Jack Daniels.
DJ_Spark_Shot t1_jay9cdh wrote
Someone was browsing Reddit during work hours. This was on the Keanu AMA this afternoon.
dxtos t1_jayaz5u wrote
"Keanumycins" LOL
CerberusC24 t1_jaye9hx wrote
Ah so last of us won't really happen. Good. Good
nerixs t1_jayfo1w wrote
Does fungi hurt puppies
Jenetyk t1_jayfp99 wrote
Glad the mainstream is taking The Last of Us seriously.
bpooqd t1_jayiq1z wrote
His response was,
>...Hi, thank you…they should’ve called it John Wick…but that’s pretty cool…and surreal for me. But thanks, scientist people! Good luck, and thank you for helping us....
mostlygray t1_jayjxau wrote
My wife is a production biochemist in the manufacture of proteins.
I love that she works works with the protein "Sonic Hedgehog" and that she had no idea it was named after the game character.
GME_Me_ASAP t1_jaymgdi wrote
Not only are they deadly but they are also fun guys to be around when not killing bad guys.
AnonUserAccount t1_jayqt5r wrote
I know Keanu is a fun guy, but if it’s so deadly, why not make it after Chuck Norris?
Chosen1Khaled t1_jayrpoq wrote
Yes, Valley Fever in the southwest USA actually
ZekeDaniel t1_jayryhr wrote
Which fungi? Aren't a lot of fungi good for the ecosystem?
[deleted] t1_jaysbb8 wrote
kslusherplantman t1_jayu5av wrote
I literally just texted this to my cousin whose mom has been battling valley fever for a few years now.
Hopefully she can get into clinical trials or something
TheMadSkientist t1_jayunfp wrote
You're right, they're harmless to viruses, fungi on the other hand are susceptible to keanumycins. As the article states.
Joscientist t1_jayvac7 wrote
That's the protein that makes our fingers and toes separate, right? College was a long time ago T-T.
Sverker_Wolffang t1_jayxlcb wrote
Medicinal, industrial or agricultural?
The_Amazing_Emu t1_jaz2ypb wrote
Feels like this should be named after Super Mario instead
Shadowmoth t1_jaz4zmc wrote
Shoulda gone with Johnwickmycins.
curiousauruses t1_jaz5zky wrote
WhiskeyTangoFoxy t1_jaz62qj wrote
A fungus killed his dog.
nederino t1_jaz7df9 wrote
his dog ate some black mold... keanumycins coming for all the fungi now.
ZekeDaniel t1_jaz7vjx wrote
Makes me a bit worried..
GamerOfGods33 t1_jaz7wy4 wrote
Should have named it Mario
caidicus t1_jaz89rp wrote
Funny thing to read the day after starting watching The Last of Us. :D
simplytoaskquestions t1_jaz94gz wrote
Keep that in wraps till they perfect to only kill harmful fungi
BoulderCreature t1_jazd67q wrote
It’s interesting, but how is this uplifting??
johnnyblaze1999 t1_jazdqm6 wrote
Funny I saw that comment in Keanu's AMA and he said it would be better if it named after John Wick
duwopdroptop t1_jazkk5m wrote
I really thought it was because he’s a fun-guy
[deleted] t1_jazn6zw wrote
JoeDyrt57 t1_jazpdbr wrote
Aw man. That sucks. 😥
[deleted] t1_jazqa4p wrote
pgboo t1_jazquna wrote
I love Keanu but wouldnt pedro or mario be better names for fungi killers?
dvenator t1_jazrg71 wrote
Because its an effective treatment against fungi infections that are becoming increasingly resistant to other treatments. Did you read the article?
secondtaunting t1_jazrn4g wrote
Okay, this should be a top comment lol.
ThedirtyNose t1_jazsoo4 wrote
Did they lift this straight out of the AMA from earlier?
RoseRoja t1_jazsz45 wrote
Welp i think you didnt read at all, we found antibiotics 2.0 for fungus infections.
doggos12345 t1_jazv1o0 wrote
Wholesome chungus level 100
Meb-the-Destroyer t1_jazwykh wrote
Chuck Norris will be so disappointed.
hgs25 t1_jb01kvy wrote
Wake up Ellie, we have some fungi to burn.
Nijindia18 t1_jb041ov wrote
I hope this chemical is a good plus one to a dinner party
fiendishrabbit t1_jb0djl6 wrote
Probably all three. The article mentions effectiveness against both human and plant fungal infections.
DemolishingNews t1_jb0jnlv wrote
See the song Keanu Reeves by Logic for the general vibe. Or you can just watch John Wick.
[deleted] t1_jb0qxby wrote
And in return he wiped out the whole colony of Tarasovmafiaso fungi
InternetThen t1_jb0xp6r wrote
Damm nice one hahaha
jovenhope t1_jb0ylzh wrote
Keanu Reeves is the Chuck Norris of this generation
Gekidami t1_jb139c7 wrote
It's because as an actor he's so bland and dry. An environment hostile to fungi.
TheFreakish t1_jb13d6x wrote
Bill and ted literally meet death aswell!
Gloomy_Possession-69 t1_jb18luj wrote
Chuck Norris has become a real piece of work in his later years unfortunately. Better to let his joke die.
13BT t1_jb18uhq wrote
No cordyceps, you will not have a most excellent day
[deleted] t1_jb1jhas wrote
[deleted] t1_jb1t4c9 wrote
curiousauruses t1_jb2yh01 wrote
It should. Look at the bees.
ZekeDaniel t1_jb2ykga wrote
What bees?
klyxes t1_jb33a2m wrote
Guess Keanu really isn't a fun guy
SpencerMagoo t1_jbrestq wrote
Big fungus is not amused
BenchPressingCthulhu t1_jcm45dd wrote
Keanu My Sins
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