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outcome--independent t1_jbch8hm wrote


GreasyPeter t1_jbckxza wrote

Josh Whedon is a good example. He was seen as (and leaned into) being about female empowerment since Buffy but the it came out down the line that he was often a dick on set and even called some pregnant women fat.

Dan Harmon was similar.

Max Landis evidently although I don't know of him very well.

I'm trying to remember another one a few years ago. Harmon and Whedon have been the big ones I can recently remember. Justin Roiland wasn't really a vocal feminist but I sorta think of him in a similar capacity to Harmon since they worked together but he doesn't really cunt on this list.

Some of them are undoubtedly narcissists so it would be expected from them but not all of them.

Oh, and Matt Lauer.


[deleted] t1_jbclndr wrote



GreasyPeter t1_jbcmmn2 wrote

I reworded it, I meant to say "many" instead of "every". The majority of male feminists aren't sexual predators, but it sure seems like it's more common.


gnatskeeter t1_jbcnj6q wrote

Thank you for editing it. Don’t forget there’s a whole real world offline and away from celebrity culture where actual men march with actual women in the street and they yell and chant slogans and loudly holler at the cops together


LeTreacs t1_jbcqj3j wrote

I wish you’d have made it clear that your post was edited. My comment now makes me look a lot more like a dick without the context of your original post and I wouldn’t have made it at all with the way your comment is now written


Used_Competition4345 t1_jbf8esy wrote

Not a celebrity, but my father ran health and safety teams for his job, organized toy drives and mitten giveaways, was the first to volunteer to train people, and looked like the perfect guy. Then he'd come home, get drunk, and beat us, lock us outside, throw our shit outside, or just throw it out if he wasn't happy. And nobody believed a damn thing. He also threatened me with legal action when I emancipated myself.


outcome--independent t1_jbfro5p wrote

I hope you're in a safe place now, and I'm sorry that happened to you. I believe you.


Used_Competition4345 t1_jbgp2az wrote

Thank you, I am, and even though it's been a while and I no longer blame myself, it's nice to hear.