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AlleyCatStoner t1_jbmz164 wrote

“Man are not mentally there yet”

What on earth does that mean? Single-parenthood is on the rise in general, you’d have to check the stats on single motherhood vs fatherhood but it is a problem that impacts every country/population. Some people just SHOULDNT be parents, and we shouldn’t be forcing anyone to have any kids either, especially if they dont have the resources to provide adequate care.


CompactOwl t1_jbnqz6h wrote

I meant that the social acceptance for men being the one staying at home is not equivalent than to women staying at home.


aardvarkbjones t1_jbo6zfr wrote

I keep hearing this, but I never actually see it. The stay at home dads I know do fine.

Sometimes I think men just keep telling themselves this because it's what they've heard, but it's not actually true anymore.


CompactOwl t1_jbo94qw wrote

Yes. That’s what I was referring to though. The stay at home dads are happy with their choice, but the non-stay-home-dads keep chatting.

I am perfectly fine with this, but I know at least one field of expertise where this is looked down upon (finance)


aardvarkbjones t1_jbo9wi5 wrote

Finance looks down on everyone who isn't a coked-up asshole. I'd hardly use that as a standard of anything.


CompactOwl t1_jboawp2 wrote

It’s definitely not the standard. But you can also ask the bottom line working class. For example I know a couple of construction site workers who definitely think it is unmanly to stay at home.


aardvarkbjones t1_jbob27f wrote

I guess my social circles just don't worry about that stuff. No one I know cares.


CompactOwl t1_jbocbyg wrote

Jeah, my friends and closer relatives also don’t care. I am not sure I would want to be friends with someone who does.