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[deleted] t1_jboggne wrote



NotAPreppie t1_jbolyc0 wrote

If I've learned anything in my 44 trips around the sun it's that everything related to climate and weather is bad.


Give_me_grunion t1_jbou39a wrote

Lol. If everything doesn’t stay exactly the same we are fucked.


NotAPreppie t1_jboyhvl wrote

I think the issue is if the rate of change doesn't slow down, we are fucked.

Like, change is inevitable and big, complicated systems can react to slow changes but fall apart with fast changes.


jetstobrazil t1_jbpemlf wrote

Totally. And once weather become unpredictable, we lose the ability to travel safely over oceans, or even eventually by car, decimating trade, and everyone’s precious economy.

Gonna have to find a good spot to settle in for it.


FreyrPrime t1_jbpp22m wrote

Weather would have to become pretty apocalyptic on a pretty frequent scale to really decimate trade.. I'm not saying we wouldn't see a slow down, or enhanced costs, but a complete collapse of global trade? That feels like a stretch.

Trade routes connecting much of the world have existed for thousands of years, during times when the means to traverse such distances was fraught with peril.

I think our technology is gonna be a pretty enormous mitigating factor too, especially as we continue to creep towards more and more automation.


jetstobrazil t1_jbpwi01 wrote

A big part of the reason weather is predictable now is because of the reliability of the jet stream and Gulf Stream, which are both weakening due to climate change. Once these are sufficiently weakened, predictability of weather patterns critical for travel through air or weather will absolutely be affected enough to all but halt these methods of travel, unless we innovate or begin delivering in subs.

It’s hard to tell how quickly all of this will happen of course and to what degree it will affect us when, but my own personal belief is that with every study seeming to underestimate the effects, it doesn’t seem far enough off to not plan for.


FreyrPrime t1_jbpxj31 wrote

Yeah, the Jet and Gulf streams are serious causes for concerns, and would absolutely play havoc with the world that we know.

I'm just of the opinion that our technology will insulate us against the worst of it. I could easily be wrong, in fact history says I likely will be.

We've experienced collapses in civilization and 'dark ages' because of climate change at least once before, the Bronze Age.

I think our current civilization is both more resilient than ancient cultures, and at the same time much more fragile. Our technology should make it considerably more difficult to experience a significant collapse, but once it starts I think we we would be much worse off than previous civilizations.

Billions would die from stuff we take for granted on a daily basis.


jetstobrazil t1_jbq0g19 wrote

I mean you have a’s now literally impossible to grasp the achievements we will be capable of soon, even with this early success of ai. Sufficiently capable ai could present opportunities once thought impossible and we will be able to build things far beyond our current abilities.

I suppose I’ll wait and see how things shake out


Trey_Fevaa t1_jbqsmpn wrote

I think the issue is we fucked regardless when the ocean dies and largely becomes a dead zone


violetbaudelairegt t1_jbp3vrl wrote

from New Orleans here. we are already globally fucked, the only difference is whether or not its hit you yet. We gots to reverse stuff


kp33ze t1_jbpnvxf wrote

So.. I'm guessing you are like late 30's based on your comment.


ikeosaurus t1_jbomeg2 wrote

It doesn’t dampen the effect of El Niño, it’s the opposite phase of the El Niño/Southern oscillation climate system. Both phases can have bad and good impacts on different parts of the world. This year Utah (where I live) is having a close to record snow, that is probably due in part to La Niña. This is good for us. Interestingly El Niño can do the same thing for us here as well.


PartyOnAlec t1_jbou21u wrote

Do you mean dampen in the sense that it reduces the effects of El Nino, or makes El Nino wetter?


misteryous302 t1_jbov2lc wrote

In the sense where the article says "Dampens the effect" without much ellaboration


PartyOnAlec t1_jbowt93 wrote

Ah I was just enjoying the pun, intentional or otherwise


_mister_pink_ t1_jbp1jnc wrote

It’s not gone forever. It’s part of a cycle (think it’s about 7 years for it to come around again?)


MetalBawx t1_jbowbw9 wrote

Typically major weather systems failing results in worse weather than anything they'd normally produce.


misteryous302 t1_jboxqa8 wrote

Ah thanks. I was getting some anxiety cause this topic was being talked about it in my school a lot which was triggering me into a bit of stress but knowing my planet is gonna get fucked a wee bit harder soon enough and that every few steps were taking are followed by a big push back...really adds up to that...

...happy times...


OuidOuigi t1_jbpwgto wrote

I know it means more tornados and rain in Oklahoma. Need the rain but I'm not a fan of the mile wide tornados that happen.