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picchumachu t1_jcqs9x0 wrote

Oddly enough, goes both ways. mlb players have been struck out by softball players, something to do with the distance to the mound and what your accustomed to and whatnot


ajdani2 t1_jcr70x5 wrote

So much of it is just having to change what you’re used to. Stanford’s gymnasts have a series of funny videos of the men and women’s teams trying and failing on each other’s events.


jsprague6 t1_jcr3mr6 wrote

That and the underhand release is really difficult to adjust to if you're used to overhand. Baseballs always have a downhill trajectory, whereas a softball can go uphill or downhill depending on the location and pitch type.


clem82 t1_jcr3ekl wrote

Angle at which the ball comes in as well


robzombie03 t1_jcrnczp wrote

An issue is they are usually playing with the others rules on their own equipment. Women aren't using heavy wood bats to hit a baseball and men aren't using aluminum bats to hit a softball. You also have to change bat rotation speeds.