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cittatva t1_jczqzvt wrote

Editing to make a distinction between whatever the duck is going on in Spain and the way hunting dogs are treated in Texas: A good hunting dog takes years to train. It’s all about building a working relationship with the dog, and the dogs fucking LOVE hunting. Not to say there aren’t horrible people in the world that abuse dogs, but that’s not hunting, that’s animal abuse. To equate that with hunting is disingenuous at best. A good bird dog, for example, is trained to run around in a field with a bell on its collar and smell out birds. When it finds the birds, it stops and stands at attention, pointing, and waits for command. The hunter approaches and commands the dog to go in and flush the birds up. The bird flies up, the hunter shoots, the dog then collects the bird and brings it back to the hunter. Usually the dog is rewarded with the tasty entrails, feet and head of the bird, and they’re very happy dogs. They get to run around with their people, do rewarding work, and get tasty bird treats.


Pupgradek9 t1_jczu6yq wrote

Yes, that's because they're seen as partners/companions here not tools.

The culture around dogs in the US is very different from MANY parts of the world, especially places that have large populations of street dogs or dogs who fill their natural role as a scavenger on the fringes. It's super interesting to study.