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UNFAM1L1AR t1_jczckew wrote

Opioid abuse almost always starts off recreationally. Believe me I know I struggled for years. No one starts out thinking they're gonna be an addict ... they're gonna be that guy who figures out how to use it recreationally. It doesn't surprise me that having more options decreases the use. To me it's one of the best arguments for legalization.


doriangreysucksass t1_jd0lxnt wrote

You have a very valid point!!! Opioids are VERY ADDICTIVE whether or not you’re a believer in that. You use it a handful of times and all of a sudden there’s cravings


IandIreckon t1_jd1fk3w wrote

Always recreational?? Not quite. You get in an accident, have an injury and the Dr gives you a bottle of 120 Roxy with 4 refills. “Take responsibly” lol good luck


Ladymistery t1_jd1rl2q wrote

not quite

I take a mild one for migraines. I hate how they make me feel - but the pain goes away. I never have a craving for them if I don't take them.


UNFAM1L1AR t1_jd4xpoo wrote

I thought I put 'almost always' ... always is almost always a bad idea to use absolutely. Updating. Thank you!!